Tuesday, August 25, 2020

History of the Phrase Marketing Mix

History of the Phrase Marketing Mix Free Online Research Papers The term advertising blend got well known after Neil H. Borden distributed his article The Concepts of the Marketing Mix in 1964. In this article Borden clarifies how he initially started utilizing this term in the late 1940s after James Culliton portrayed the marketikng chief as a blend of fixings. These fixings in Bordens lessons included item, arranging, value, marking, appropriation channels, individual selling, publicizing, advancements, bundling, show, overhauling, physical taking care of, and actuality discovering investigation. These fixings were later gathered by E. Jerome McCarthy into four classes which we presently allude to as the four ps of advertising (NetMBA 2007). The four ps of advertising make up the promoting blend which is likely the most notable of all the showcasing terms. Its components are the essential, strategic parts of a promoting plan. The four ps, of the showcasing blend components are item, spot, advancement and value (Marketing instructor 2009). These four components make the advertising blend which impacts the advancement of any associations showcasing techniques and strategies. The idea is basic. Consider a cake and the parts of a cake. There are sure fixings that are required yet one can adjust the amount of every fixing is included. The equivalent goes with advertising. The four ps are required however relying upon the association there might be more accentuation on one and less on another. Yet, one thing continues as before, each of the four ps are fundamental. Most of individuals utilize the four ps yet some will utilize the five ps and include individuals. Others may even go up to seven and include individuals, physical proof, (for example, regalia, facilties, or attire) and procedure (NetMBA 2007). The association that has been chosen is the Londoner. The Londoner is an English bar and would be considered in the administration business. This paper will characterize the advertising blend just as how the four ps sway the improvement of the Londoners showcasing techniques and strategies. The first of the four ps of showcasing is item. The item is the physical item or administration offered to the shopper. On account of physical items, it additionally alludes to any administrations or accommodations that are a piece of the contribution. Item choices incorporate angles, for example, work, appearance, bundling, administration, guarantee, and so on (Marketing Mix 2009). As a rule, when individuals think about the item they don't consider everything that must be done in preperation for the item to be sold. With any item, be that as it may, the objective is to fulfill purchasers needs. The name of the item is critical when attempting to offer to individuals. The name of the association one has picked is the Londoner. At the point when individuals hear the name they autimatically consider London, England. In light of this, the proprietors designed the English bar similarly as English bars really seem to be. At the point when individuals stroll in to the Londoner they feel a s though they are in London. There are numerous indications of London, the lighting is diminish, and the furniture is provincial. At that point there is the products that are advertised. Being an English bar there are a wide range of English brews, for example, Fullers, Boddingtons, Guiness, Old Speckeled hen a so on. There is a wide range of kinds of food on the menu also. Most of the menu is Indian food, which is viewed as English food. Numerous individuals don't know about the solid Indian roots that England has yet they do. So by regarding England the menu has things, for example, Bangers and Mash, Shepards Pie, Chips and Curry, and Chicken Tiki Masala just to give some examples. Keeping with the subject of London, the juke box additionally has well known English groups on there, for example, The Beatles, The Who, The Rolling Stones and some more. Being an English bar, a large number of the clients are English themseleves. Another piece of the bundling of the Londoner is that they show all the soccer matches around the world. This is a crucial piece of the Londoners promoting technique. Numerous bars around Dallas keep an eye on just show the most famous games in the United States. Perceiving how soccer isn't as famous as football in the United States most places don't show it. What poeple don't understand is that soccer is the most well known game on the planet. The Londoner knows about this and they show all the games. Since the Londoner is one of the main places that shows all the soccer matches, poeple originate from everywhere throughout the metroplex to watch the games and go through their cash. The best part about the Londoner demonstrating these games, is that not normal for each other game, soccer goes all year. The second component in the advertising blend is place. Spot (or position) choices are those related with channels of conveyance that fill in as the methods for getting the item to the objective clients. The appropriation framework performs value-based, strategic, and encouraging capacities. Dissemination choices incorporate market inclusion, channel part choice, coordinations, and levels of administration (Marketing Mix 2009). Spot takes a gander at area, how the item will get to where it needs to and how the item will at that point be sold. Ordinarily place incorporates retailers, entire dealers and in the event that it is on the web, at that point is would incorporate an immediate channel. The Londoner sells primarly food and beverages. This being stated, most of the items are purchased from entire venders. There is a conveyance once every week that conveys napkins, straws, food, liquor and so forth to the store. Stock is done once every week by the executives to figure out what, and how much the store needs, at that point the request is put. The third components of the showcasing blend is cost. The cost of the item doesn't generally mean the particular cost however in many cases it is refering to the value strategy. As per Marketing Mix 2009, Pricing choices should consider overall revenues and the likely valuing reaction of contenders. Valuing incorporates the rundown cost, yet in addition limits, financing, and different choices, for example, renting. Contingent upon the item, the area and numerous different varibables the cost of the item may change starting with one area then onto the next. The cost of the item is normally dictated by the nature of the item and the objective purchasers. The cost of things sold at the Londoner are pointed towards the working class. Beverages are moderate just as the food. In the event that the food was costly nobody would come and business would endure. On the off chance that the items were evaluated to low, at that point there would be any benefit made. On the slowest days of the wee k, Sunday and Monday, the Londoner does party time throughout the day. The purpose behind this is to acquire business. Throughout the late spring costs will in general drop a bit. This is on the grounds that the late spring is the moderate season. Throughout the mid year individuals will in general go to different bars where the yard is greater so the Londoner brings down costs and run more specials to keep individuals returning. The last component of the showcasing blend is advancement. In many cases individuals consider advancement the business part of the blend. Deals is a piece of advancement just as promoting and advertising. Advancement choices are those identified with conveying and offering to expected shoppers. Since these expenses can be enormous in relation to the item value, an equal the initial investment investigation ought to be performed when settling on advancement choices. It is helpful to know the estimation of a client so as to decide if extra clients merit the expense of obtaining them. Advancement choices include publicizing, advertising, media types, and so on (Marketing Mix 2009). Advancement is a major piece of the Londoners showcasing stratgies. At the point when somebody needs a vodka cranberry, for instance, the client is constantly inquired as to whether they need dim goose. This is called up saleing and the explanation behind this is to deal a superior vodka since it costs more. Another way the Londoner advances themselves is by going to occasions like The Taste of Addison. Going to occasions like the Taste of Addison is an incredible method to get the word out about the Londoner. At occasions like this individuals can attempt the food and get toknow a portion of the representatives in order to help buisness. The showcasing blend is a significant piece of any association advertising systems. Every component, item, spot, cost and advancement all add to an associations achievement. The Londoner would not be as fruitful as they are if any of the four ps were forgotten about. NetMBA (2007). Business Knowledge Center. The Marketing Mix (The 4 Ps of Marketing). Recovered July 14, 2009 from netmba.com/advertising/blend/ Advertising Teacher (2009). Promoting Mix. Recovered July 14, 2009 from marketingteacher.com/Lessons/lesson_marketing_mix.htm Advertising Mix (2009). The Marketing Mix-(The 5 Ps of Marketing). Recovered July 15, 2009 from http://facweb.eths.k12.il.us/feeleyd/smart%20lab%20support/adsmktg/marketing_mix.htm Exploration Papers on History of the Phrase Promoting MixMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductDefinition of Export QuotasRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanThe Project Managment Office SystemMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfResearch Process Part OneOpen Architechture a white paperIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalHip-Hop is Art

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Personal Reflection on My Dressing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Individual Reflection on My Dressing - Essay Example All things considered, I don't wear tight garments, uncovering garments, or any garments that ignore my social morals. In reality, my social convictions and regard for my conventions characterize my dressing and body embellishment. My own convictions and qualities restrict me from wearing garments that will uncover my manliness. Additionally, I dress to fulfill my feelings and to stay in vogue. I additionally think about my situation in the general public and the need to regard others while dressing. As I look to keep up my nobility, I don't begrudge body embellishments like tattoos since they belittle individual convictions and social qualities, which restrict men from body decorations. I have confidence in time the board and consequently I wear watches and pick smart dressing to stay up with the cutting edge designs. Without a doubt, I dress to satisfy myself and stay moral in the assorted society. The principle factor that characterizes my decision of dress is to communicate my se ntiments and speak to my own convictions and qualities. Also, the need to stay moral and show demonstrable skill impacts my dressing choices and decisions. Moreover, my social qualities and parental direction impact my decision of dressing as I look to regard my folks and convention through my dressing. Quite, my folks are the caretakers of my social dressing convictions. In any case, the need to grasp advancement and stay trendy powers me to adjust among societies and design in my dressing. The climate likewise impacts my dressing decisions as I look to adjust to changed atmospheres and stay sound. Additionally, my brandishing needs and tolerability necessities characterize my dressing. The need to visit various settings likewise characterizes my dressing decisions since the working environment and going to talks will require explicit apparel. I likewise pick my dressing concerning the regard, morals, and ethical quality that I try to present to the general public.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

On Essay Writing

On Essay Writing Hello there. Normally, I’d spend a few minutes trying to come up with a pithy line or a catchy hook to convince you to read the rest of this blog post, but unfortunately, the circuits in my brain in charge of expository writing are a bit fried. But please, I promise there’s a guide to essay writing buried somewhere here in all these words. Over the last three weeks, Ive been spending most of my free time on medical school applications, writing essays, or at the very least agonizing about writing essays. In what was most likely just another subconscious procrastination scheme, I collected some data from my work and tabulated them here. Secondary applications submitted: 7 Secondary applications pending: 7 Essays completed: 16 Essays pending: 17 and counting Total word count: 4,260 Total character count: 25,664 Number of times the space bar was used in final drafts: 4,234 The sum of all of these numbers: 34,205 You know what else is 34000+? The number of cities that Airbnb services! Hooray for numbers that add no value to our lives. ***Airbnb is not paying me to say this, I swear. I just googled 34,000+ and this is what came up. The point being: its exhausting. The process, at least the first two parts, is reminiscent of the college application process which, if I remember correctly, starts in the summer, kicks into high gear in the fall and then enters into a frenzy of last minute essays and application portal crashes in the last months of the year. For those of you already familiar with the application process for medical school, skip ahead past the italics to the actual guide! For those of you unfamiliar, Ive included a quick primer here for context: A Rough Timeline for Medical School Applications Infanthood high-school-hood: live life and consider maybe becoming a doctor (if you really want a leg up on the competition, get a head start in the womb!). Freshman year sophomore year: start checking off required/recommended courses (i.e. biology, organic chemistry, physics), sign up for extracurricular activities and explore career paths (finding yourself is optional). Junior year: take the MCAT, meet with the pre-health committee to prepare a committee letter (a compilation of all letters of recommendations), request letters from professors, advisors etc. June between junior and senior year: complete the AMCAS primary application. The primary application is like the Common App and includes coursework info, extracurricular activities, and a personal statement. The same application is sent to whichever schools you designate (although there are a few that dont participate). July-August between junior and senior year: complete secondary applications for each school that offers one. Secondary applications are unique to each school and generally include requests for more essays as well as any additional information they might need. Senior fall and winter: spend large sums of money to fly around the country and interview at schools. Senior spring: get accepted! (??!?!) The kicker? Primary and secondary applications are generally accepted on a rolling basis which means they start reading the applications as soon as they come in and they start offering interviews and acceptances as soon as they find qualified individuals. That means the longer you wait, the smaller the statistical probability of your acceptance gets. And now, for the actual guide I promised. I’ve compiled some advice, tips, and essay writing methods here that I’ve gathered over the years and that I wish I’d had four years ago when applying to college. I don’t claim to be an expert at essay writing by any means, but I mean, even the dullest tool in the shed gets wet when it falls into the well, right? (That’s definitely a real saying and not a poorly constructed mixed metaphor that I just made up.) The points are divided into the three phases of essay writing â€" before, during, and after â€" and despite the highly specific title in this posts tagline, they can be applied to essay writing or applications of any sort. Everyone works in different ways though, so if some of the things I do sound useless and unhelpful, then ignore them! Ok, let’s get started with this Guide to Essay Writing for the Express Purpose of Obtaining Admittance to an Institute of Higher Learning: Before: Essay writing for the express purpose of obtaining admittance to an institute of higher learning can be started before the essay prompts even become available. Being self-aware and reflective are two traits that will serve you well in life for many reasons, but having the foresight to exercise these traits early in life will make your essay-writing life a whole lot easier. 1. Start a CliffsNotes version of your life. Literally. Buy a notebook or create a new word document and start recording important thoughts, actions, and experiences from your life for easy reference in the future. You wouldn’t have to keep a daily journal of your life (although that would not be a bad thing!). Just jot down things that seem significant at the time. Even if you only update the CliffsNotes once a month or twice a year, anything will help when you sit down to actually start writing. The hardest part about essay writing for me is actually coming up with a worthwhile idea. This can be difficult if the prompt asks you to recall a time in your life when something happened but you can’t quite recall all of the things in your life that you once thought were important. It’s a relatively low cost and potentially high reward exercise that can help facilitate essay ideation. At the very least, it will provide you with something amusing to read thirty years down the line. “But what sort of things qualify as ‘important’ or ‘significant’?” Good question. 2. Know the questions they will inevitably be asking. It is a truth universally acknowledged that at some point in the application process, you will be confronted by a few ever present buzzwords, like LEADERSHIP!, DIVERSITY!!, TEAMWORK!!!, and ADVERSITY!!!! So don’t be surprised when they appear, usually in some variation of the “Tell me about a time when ___” prompt. Jot down examples that address these application juggernauts in the CliffsNotes version of your life. If you have obvious examples of leadership or teamwork then go ahead and list those roles, including also dates and time spent on each, which will come in handy years later when you are scrounging through weeks of your google calendar trying to figure these things out after the fact (I speak from experience). But also note down experiences that might be less title driven. Not everyone has been president of the student body or chair of a committee, so take note of moments when you might have exhibited these traits in a more understated way. Be aware of how you act in certain situations and reflect on whether or not you have been able to demonstrate strength in these common traits. Other buzzwords might also appear depending on specifically what you are applying for. For example, a med school application is definitely going to be asking you why you want to go to med school and whether or not you’ve participated in volunteering and shadowing experiences. Keep track of these as well. Finally, though I wouldn’t go so far as to say that you should pick your interests and activities solely in order to answer an essay prompt, I will say that it is naïve to think that you can get away with not fulfilling any of these expectations. Consider your own motivations and reasons for wanting to apply and consider what they in turn expect from applicants. Ideally, these would align, but if not, just be aware these gaps and how you might want to fill them in while planning your activities and personal development. During: So the applications have opened and it is now essay writing open season. This section of the guide covers the process from the moment the prompts are released to the sweet, sweet moment you click submit and the burdens of writing a good essay dissipate, only to be replaced by the gnawing anxiety of wondering whether or not they thought it was good enough. 1. Read the prompts immediately. Whether or not you are racing a hard deadline or a self-imposed rolling application deadline, you can benefit from reading the prompts as soon as possible. Sure, you might not actually get around to writing for another three months, but it’s important to be aware of what sort of answers you are looking for. It’s like priming your brain for a lightbulb moment. Inspiration can lurk in the most mundane and unexpected places but its value can only be understood by those who are prepared to recognize it. 2. Optimize your work environment. Everyone has a slightly different work style which means changes in environmental parameters can lead to improved or decreased work productivity. Some people thrive on the ambient sounds of their local coffee shop while others gag at the smell of coffee. Pretty sure you aren’t going to be producing your finest work while reflexively gagging every few minutes. Parameters to consider: location, snacks, sounds, personal comfort, etc. Experiment with mixing and matching different parameters until you find a set-up that feels most comfortable for you. For brainstorming, I’m partial to lying on the carpet in my living room floor with a bottle of water and my Spotify playlist drifting through a pair of earbuds. I’ve also found that listening to instrumental dramatic film scores can be extremely motivating. For work, silence is crucial and I usually sit at a desk in a library with a stick of gum to keep me awake but no food or drink to distract me. 3. Talk to people. Talk to them about some of the essay prompts and pick their brains. Sometimes hearing other people’s stories can help trigger associations of your own. Use a friend or a family member as a sounding board for your ideas. In the ensuing dialogue you can gain feedback about the impact and perception of whatever ideas are floating around in your brain. 4. Still feeling stuck? Try these random brainstorming strategies: a. Stream of consciousness â€" Set a timer (I usually go for two or five minutes depending on how ambitious I’m feeling), reread the essay prompt, then proceed to spend the allotted time typing out every single thought that pops into your mind. It’s important that you do not filter these thoughts. Forget about punctuation or sentence structure or grammar or capitalization. My streams often start with full sentences or thoughts, eventually devolving into fragments of phrases and ideas, peppered with the occasional complaint and unrelated tangent. If for some reason your brain thinks the word “mayonnaise” while you are typing, you are obliged to type the word “mayonnaise” exactly as it appeared in your stream of consciousness. #nofilter The purpose of this exercise is to allow your mind to freely associate different ideas, thoughts, and experiences. Often when we are brainstorming, we filter ideas out that we think are bad, but this precludes all of the constructive free associations that might have come from that bad idea. The exercise also forces your thoughts to be continuously moving. Another brainstorming pitfall is stalling and fixating on one idea. However, because the only premise of this activity is that you literally don’t stop typing for even one second, your brain is forced to constantly be coming up with new thoughts. Admittedly most of what you write will be garbage, but once you sift through the gibberish, it can be useful for uncovering ideas and topics that you might not have considered before. b. Bullet points â€" This is essentially a more concise version of the stream of consciousness in that you write down every single idea you have, both the good and the bad, as quickly as you can in bullet form. Then, you go back and write one or two sentences under each bullet, elaborating on how that idea might be constructed into an essay. If after you’ve written all the ideas down, some of them still seem like dead ends, cross them out and keep on paring the list down until you have just one or two ideas that you might seriously consider. Use this strategy in lieu of the stream of consciousness only if you are confident in your ability to leave your thoughts unfiltered. c. Staring at the ceiling â€" I do some of my best thinking while lying on the carpet and staring at the ceiling. Not really sure if this one is translatable to the general public but if you are at an absolute loss, give it a try! I think it helps because it allows my body to completely relax while my mind continues to grapple with the essay prompts. d. Writing by hand  â€" The benefit of writing by hand is two fold. For one, the tactile experience of physically writing out your thoughts can potentially be enough of a change to generate some new thoughts. Furthermore, you can doodle aimlessly in the corner and then angrily scribble out the bad ideas, which is therapeutic and calming. Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, writing by hand means you aren’t on your laptop which means that pesky thing we call the internet cannot lure you to the wayside with its siren song of distractions galore. 5. Just write. Sometimes the hardest part about writing is simply getting started. Once again, our internal filter can be our own worst enemy. For me, writing the first sentence is difficult because I spend too much time trying to make it perfect and that inhibits me from writing anything at all. Let’s just get this out of the way now: your first draft isn’t going to be perfect. You’re going to reread it later and realize that you weren’t as eloquent as you had first imagined. Take comfort in the fact that sometimes it isnt possible for you to determine the absolute best course of action from a purely conceptual standpoint. In this case, you shouldnt dwell on unknowable things. I’ve learned in other aspects of life, too, that instead of agonizing over what the perfect choice is, it is more efficient and productive to run with the best idea you have with the given information, test that idea out, evaluate its shortcomings, make adjustments, and repeat. Once you have your idea, just start writing. It’s ok if you end up writing the most generic opening line in the history of opening lines. It’s just a draft. You can fix it. You can even scrap the entire thing if it really is that terrible. But at the very least, you’ve narrowed down your options and you know what doesn’t work, which will ultimately help you craft a better, more polished essay. 6. But don’t forget to give yourself a break. This one is fairly self-explanatory but worth repeating. At first, after receiving the secondary applications and starting the clock on the rolling admissions process, I felt guilty every time I watched a movie or read a book. Every moment I spent having fun was another hundredth of a percentage point being chipped away from my acceptance probability. In retrospect, past-me-from-two-weeks-ago really needed to calm down. You can’t force quality writing. It isn’t one of those things where if you scrunch your forehead wrinkles extra hard and chant “I think I can I think I can I think I can”, something will magically happen. Yes, you have to put the time and the effort in and you have to work hard, but you should also be comfortable with the fact that sometimes, the time just isnt right. Walk away and come back later. There is such a thing as burning yourself out. That’s why, if you really want to write a great essay, you can’t start at the absolute last minute. You have to leave time for the natural ebb and flow of your writing to happen. So, don’t forget to give yourself a break. Relax a little. Like an oil change, its just another necessary part of the process. 7. While having a third-party read over and edit your work is great, try a few of these self-editing strategies too: a. Oldie but goodie: Leave it for a day and read it again with fresh eyeballs. You know how when you reread your favorite book, you end up kind of just skimming it because you already know what’s going to happen? The words aren’t really there to help you discover the story anymore but rather to remind you of the story you remember. This happened to me a lot of with the first three Harry Potter books. The plot and characters became so familiar that my eyes would involuntarily skip entire words and phrases as my mind filled in the blanks. I think the same thing happens when you reread your own essay over and over again right after you’ve written it. You literally just pulled those sentences out of your brain twenty minutes ago so when you go in for the reread, you might be inadvertently skimming your work and glossing over the things that need fixing. However, if you come back to the essay the next day or perhaps a few days later, you can attack it with fresh eyeballs and a somewhat more neutral perspective. b. Also oldie but also goodie: Read it out loud. Reading it out loud can help you recognize awkward phrasings, grammatical errors, or illogical breaks. This is essentially a variation of the Fresh Eyeballs Theorem which posits that you are more likely to catch errors in your own work when you change the lens through which you are viewing things. In the last case, waiting a day or two was a temporal change. Here, the change from visual input to auditory input can be enough to refocus your attention and help you catch those pesky mistakes. c. Print out a physical copy and whip out your trusty red pen. Another example of the Fresh Eyeballs Theorem. This time, you are swapping out the glare of a computer screen for printed ink on smooth white paper. The red pen is just an added bonus. d. Change the font in your word processor. This option is for the environmentally friendly essay writer who wants to save the planet one piece of paper at a time, or who maybe just doesn’t have access to a printer. Feel free to get funky with this one and try reading your essay in Broadway, Chiller, or even the oft reviled Comic Sans. If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, might I suggest Wingdings 2? In all seriousness though, changing the font will alter how you view the text and since spacing and word placement will change too, it’s especially helpful for catching the purely formatting related issues. 8. Find a way to motivate yourself by setting goals with a friend or with yourself. If self-imposed deadlines alone are not getting the job done, try teaming up with a friend to hold each other accountable. Sometimes the fear of breaking a promise to a good friend is enough to kick your butt into action. But if it’s not, come up with silly “penalties” like putting two dollars into a donut fund jar for every day you miss your deadline. Or award yourself for a job well done, such as eating a donut for every essay you finish by a designated day. Don’t like donuts? Well tough luck. I have nothing to say to you. After: Congratulations! You’re free! But now what? 1. Relax. It’s out of your hands. I’m stating the obvious here, but I think a lot of people need to be reminded of this from time to time (myself included). Think about literally anything except essay writing because there is absolutely nothing you can do to change anything! You put your all into those applications and essays and now it’s time to enjoy your hard-earned free time. For the worriers out there, I suggest distracting yourself with friends, family, and whatever it is that you do for fun. I personally have a long list of films and books I’m hoping to get to after this is all over. The End Thank you for reading this Guide to Essay Writing for the Express Purpose of Obtaining Admission to an Institute of Higher Learning :) I’m only halfway through my applications though so I’d be curious to hear what you think about the essay writing process and how all of you go about knocking these out of the park!