Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hypothesis and Conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hypothesis and Conclusion - Essay Example The antiterrorism measures taken by security agencies following the September 11 attacks, discourages the citizens from volunteering relevant security information to security agencies (Hardin, 2003). This hypothesis will enable me define the scope of my investigation and method of conducting investigations through interviews. Although conducting interviews is an expensive research methodology, it the most appropriate in qualitative studies. This is because the method enables a researchers to answer several questions such as why certain occurrences or phenomenon occurs the way they do (Silverman, 2009). Interviews are conducted on a one-to-one basis and, this stand out as the main limitation of this research method. To utilize this method a researcher requires a set of questions and a means of recording information obtained from a respondent. Information or response of a respondent can be recorded through note taking, personal memory or using audio recording devices such as audio tapes. Questioners are the most important tool in research or investigations using interviews (Palgrave, 2011). Questionnaires have either open-ended questions or closed questions and the choice of question depends on the expected response. The first step towards achieving a successful investigation through interviews is identifying a sample. This is important since it is difficult or impossible to conduct an investigation using the entire population. The second step involves designing of questionnaires that involves setting a set of question that the researcher considers appropriate. The question should be tested before a researcher goes to the field in order to ensure that they are sensitive to the society. A pilot study is then conducted to establish the expectation of the actual study. Pilot studies also enable the researchers to refine the questionnaire and estimate budgetary requirements (Palgrave, 2011). A pilot study

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