Sunday, December 8, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Citizenship Behaviour and Voluntary

Question: Describe about the Organisational Behaviour for Citizenship Behaviour and Voluntary. Answer: Statement of the thesis It can be observed that the chief executives of New Zealand have been facing a challenging economic atmosphere. In addition, this article also highlights the changing of markets and technologies of New Zealand. Introduction This study is helpful to understand the concept of organisational behaviour. In this context, this study has tried to highlight and review The critical challenges facing New Zealands chief executives: implications for management skills article. This study has tried to identify the reliable thesis statement. Moreover, this study is also beneficial to identify the strengths and weakness of the article, which is based upon the statement of the recognised thesis. In this purpose, it can be stated that the researchers have accumulated primary data for review the article (Benjamin 2012). Therefore, the information was accumulated from different chief executives and the number was 265. On the other hand, it can be observed that three sectors have been considered such as private sector, private sector and the not for profit segment. Strength As per the statement of Blomme and Bornebroek-Te Lintelo (2012), it can be observed that the strength of the article is that it can recognise the difficulties of the amphibolic market, which affects the economy of the New Zealand. In addition, the GDP of that economy is not able to reach to the optimum level (Kazemipour and Mohd Amin 2012). In this connection, this article has tried to discuss the procedure with which the economy will be improved and flourished. In addition, the big push is required to attain the probable pace, which is seemed to be helpful to move forward. On the other hand, Braccini and Federici (2013) added that after the Global Financial Crisis, most of the economies have tried to develop and tried to return to the previous position. From the article, it is come to know that the mentioned country is also struggling with the smaller economy. Moreover, other strength of this article is that it is capable to make classification based on the three mentioned segments. According to Emami et al. (2012), other strength of the article is that it is able to identify the size of the economy of New Zealand, which is much lower compare to the other developed economy. In this respect, it can be mentioned that an organisation can develop if the targeted consumer domain is larger (Fuchs and Edwards 2012). Weakness On the other hand, the weakness of this article can be identified as this article is able to collect information from the 265 organisations only from three major segments. In this purpose, it can be mentioned that at least 765 organisations can operate in these segments from which the information can be accumulated. In addition, Gold et al. (2013) opined that New Zealand requires to identify a definite market research. Therefore, the overall market requires to divide based on the services as well as on the products. This approach would reflect the result of this study to be highly industry centric. However, Gray (2013) argued that the weakness of the article is that this article is not capable to solve the problems in order to identify the larger markets (Wong, Wong and Ngo 2012). With the help of the globalisation, technology can reflect the positive force, which can develop the organisations within the country. Moreover, the organisation could recognise the market edge with the ris e in the market size of the organisations. In this context, Kazemipour and Mohd Amin (2012) cited that the volume of export could effectively address the larger market. Viewpoint From the point of the personal view, this article has tried to aim to the lack of the economic policies, which are required to apply in order to get out from the stagnating condition. This is favourable for the organisations to operate their program appropriately. Economic policies are helpful to estimate the several factors such as targeted customers, management factors, and business techniques (Teh and Sun 2012). It can be stated that the collected information is not sufficient to construct an appropriate economic policies. The reasoning capacity can lead to develop an economy using the economic policies. Therefore, Mahembe and Engelbrecht (2014) mentioned that this is necessary to identify the market position of an economy. Another personal view can be identified with the help of the market segmentation, which is based upon the goods and services (Mahembe and Engelbrecht 2014). These goods and services are helpful to recognise and address the opportunities of each of the organisation. This would in turn reduce the total research cost. Therefore, it can be mentioned that these opportunities could effectively influence the economy to make its position better. In addition, Okurame (2012) opined that rise in the quantity of exports could effectively enhance the GDP growth of a country, which will in turn improve the countrys economy. In this perspective, it can be mentioned that this article did not highlight this point and therefore, this article did not discuss the how the countrys weakness would convert into the strength (Teh and Sun 2012). On the other hand, it can be mentioned that this article could focus and discuss the role of the government, which would reflect to achieve the market position. The governmental intervention could boost the organisations not to decline. In this connection, Wong, Wong and Ngo (2012) added that the government of the country can aim to the fiscal and monetary policy, which is helpful to survive in the competitive and globalised market. In this purpose, the management segment also reflects the governmental policies. Would the thesis statement of the article be agreed or do not agree? It is necessary to agree that the organisations of New Zealand can challenge the technological revolution. In this connection, the chief executives of the organisations are able to deal these issues and therefore, the writers aim to the thousand of chief executives. 265 of them responded, among them 135 executives were from the private sectors, 68 executives were from the non for profitability segment and 62 were from the public segment (Benjamin 2012). The industries from which the executives were belonging such as the banking sector and the financial sectors, dairy and agricultural sectors, retail, social service sectors, health and media sectors. On the other hand, it can be stated that the thesis making approach is appreciable. The reason is that the survey was divided into two categories such as quantitative approach and the qualitative approach (Blomme and Bornebroek-Te Lintelo 2012). Furthermore, market uncertainty organisational plays a major role in most of the companies. The managers operations need social and political skills to maintain a good relationship with its stakeholders. Key points of the statements This article has highlighted three different ways for the executives to operate efficiently in the market. According to Braccini and Federici (2013), these three approaches are such as manage to the uncertainty, manage to the stakeholders and manage the resources. On the other hand, the human resource specialists can also develop the segments. They can also reduce the gaps among the internal boundaries and the external boundaries (Fuchs and Edwards 2012). Due to the lower rate of participation of the HR specialists, the vicious circle of production is also very lower. As per the authors, it can be observed that the functions of the private sectors are different from the performance of the public sector and not for profitability segment. In this purpose, Gray (2013) mentioned that private segment aimed to move towards the profit oriented segmentation. On the other hand, the qualitative approach includes the rapid changes of the consumer valuation. This would in turn help to the operation of the private segment. This is also beneficial to make an organisation profitable and earn higher profitability. In the words of Kazemipour and Mohd Amin (2012), the function of the public segment and the not for profit segment have followed equivalent activities and the major reason is for the market risk is the economic climatic change. As per the statement of chief executives of not for profit organisation, government of that country has not helped as per their requirements. Due to the lower revenue and poor cost structure, the workers of the organisations are not willing to work (Mahembe and Engelbrecht 2014). Furthermore, this article highlights those governmental interventions in New Zealand is helpful to make a positive economic environment for the organisations in order to survive in the competition in the globalised market. Conclusion This article has aimed to identify the critical challenges, which are helpful to the chief executives of New Zealand. This country requires the big push to come out from the stagnating condition as most of the business of the domestic organisations have been facing. The research was developed based on the primary information. This information is assumed to be relevant. On the other hand, this study also focused to identify the shortcomings as well as the weakness of the article. In addition, New Zealand would have greater utility, which is not mentioned in this article. On the contrary, this article has also tried to find out the strengths, which is important for the organisations of New Zealand. References Benjamin, A., 2012. Human resource development climate as a predictor of citizenship behaviour and voluntary turnover intentions in the banking sector.International Business Research,5(1), p.110. Blomme, R.J. and Bornebroek-Te Lintelo, K., 2012. 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