Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Misusing of Prescription Drugs - 752 Words

Eckhart Tolle once said â€Å"Every addiction arises from an unconscious refusal to face and move through your own pain. Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain. Whatever the substance you are addicted to- alcohol, food, legal, or illegal drugs, or a person- you are using something or somebody to cover up your pain.† As time continues to past the amount of people that misuse or abuse prescription drugs increasing rapidly. This has become a huge issue with teens because they are always looking for a way to fit in with their peers. Drugs are misused for many different purposes because of the way today’s society is set up. As an alternative to practicing more or studying to improve in ones performance, teens have begun to misuse prescription drugs in order to enhance their performance in their school work and extra curriculum activities instead. A drug known as â€Å"kiddie speed† is often used to help increase the concentration level of a teen during a test. In schools it is one of the most common drugs found being misused because children have easy access to it from either having it prescribed to them for a disorder or because it’s laying around their households. Not only do young people have access to the drugs at home but at school they can purchase the pills from peers â€Å"up to $2 each for the tablets† (Watt 1). Not only do teens use prescription drugs to increase their concentration but some critics would suggest that steroids are the only type of drug misused toShow MoreRelatedPrescription Drugs And Its Effects On Children873 Words   |  4 PagesRight now, at this very moment, somewhere in America, there is a commercial playing, advertising a prescription drug, while a family sits around and watches it or subconsciously takes in what the commercial has to offer while they stare at the bright screens of their cellular phones. 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