Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Misusing of Prescription Drugs - 752 Words

Eckhart Tolle once said â€Å"Every addiction arises from an unconscious refusal to face and move through your own pain. Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain. Whatever the substance you are addicted to- alcohol, food, legal, or illegal drugs, or a person- you are using something or somebody to cover up your pain.† As time continues to past the amount of people that misuse or abuse prescription drugs increasing rapidly. This has become a huge issue with teens because they are always looking for a way to fit in with their peers. Drugs are misused for many different purposes because of the way today’s society is set up. As an alternative to practicing more or studying to improve in ones performance, teens have begun to misuse prescription drugs in order to enhance their performance in their school work and extra curriculum activities instead. A drug known as â€Å"kiddie speed† is often used to help increase the concentration level of a teen during a test. In schools it is one of the most common drugs found being misused because children have easy access to it from either having it prescribed to them for a disorder or because it’s laying around their households. Not only do young people have access to the drugs at home but at school they can purchase the pills from peers â€Å"up to $2 each for the tablets† (Watt 1). Not only do teens use prescription drugs to increase their concentration but some critics would suggest that steroids are the only type of drug misused toShow MoreRelatedPrescription Drugs And Its Effects On Children873 Words   |  4 PagesRight now, at this very moment, somewhere in America, there is a commercial playing, advertising a prescription drug, while a family sits around and watches it or subconsciously takes in what the commercial has to offer while they stare at the bright screens of their cellular phones. The widespread media of prescription medicines, specifically amphetamines, sedati ves, and tranquilizers, allow pills like ‘Xanax’ (a tranquilizer used to treat depression), Zoloft (antidepressant), or Adderall (a medicationRead MoreDrug Addiction1074 Words   |  5 PagesDrug Addiction Drug abuse is an increasing epidemic in today’s society. There are so many types of drugs being abused today, both legal and illegal. These drugs affect the human body in many different ways. Drug abuse can lead to addiction. â€Å"Drug addiction involves the repeated and excessive use of a drug to produce pleasure or escape reality despite its destructive effects† (â€Å"Environmental Health Perspectives,† 2005). Drug addicts believe that drugs are necessary for them to have a feelingRead MoreThe Purpose Of This Paper Seeks To Analyze The Effects1208 Words   |  5 Pagesthis paper seeks to analyze the effects of prescription drug abuse. In the first article identified the author seeks to identify the differences between peer and parent influence on the misuse of prescription drug as it relates to ethnicity. The second article to be investigation into prescription drug use misuse and drug problems as it pertains to motivational context. The third and fin al article seeks to education young adults on medical prescription drug use. A parent’s attitudes regarding substanceRead MoreKyle Craig and his Abuse on Adderall1698 Words   |  7 PagesWhat no one knew is that Kyle illegally looked to Adderall to keep up his â€Å"I’ve got it all together† act. Adderall is a stimulant prescription drug for those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD (FDA). Kyle took Adderall illegally and abused it much too often just to perform better academically and socially. While abusing the drug, Kyle slowly began spiraling into a dangerous state of psychosis that no one seemed to catch on to. That dangerous spiral led KyleRead MoreShould Prescribing Drugs Be Banned?1469 Words   |  6 PagesWhile the reasons for prescribing drugs such as Ritalin and other many drugs to treat ADHD are numerous and valid, so are the complications that come along with misusing them by placing them on the wrong hands, specifically on non ADHD patients. As a result, ADHD drugs have been proven to be a double-edged weapon. Plenty of research confirms that drugs such as Ritalin do far more damage in a young adult who has not been prescribed with the drug than it does helping a patient cope with their attentionRead MorePrescribed Medication On The United States937 Words   |  4 Pagesolder take eight or more prescriptions daily. (Snyder, 62) With that comes an increase in medication misuse and abuse. The difference between the two has to do with the intentions or motivations the person has. Medication misuse is an unintentional or willful use of a medication in a way that differs from prescribed dose or intent. (Snyder, 61) The first example found in the textbook includes taking several unused antibiotics for strep throat from last years prescription, thinking the sore throatRead MoreThe Drug Of Prescription Drugs1782 Words   |  8 Pagesfrom their many concussion scandals, the misusing of pres cription drugs is overshadowed, but still remains as a major issue in the NFL. A huge problem facing the NFL today is the ill advised use of painkillers as it affects former players and current players alike. If nothing is done to stop this dilemma, players will continue to be affected by the accoutrements of painkillers. Only through DEA investigations, increased restrictions on prescription drugs, and increased monitoring of player’s mentalRead MoreWhat Is The Total Economic Burden Of Prescription Opioid Abuse?1662 Words   |  7 Pages Week 6 Current Event Paper 2 Peadar F. Clark American Military University Week 6 Current Event Paper 2 â€Å"The total economic burden of prescription opioid misuse alone in the United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement†. -The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Substance abuse disorders have been considered a major epidemic by public health authorities during this century. MostRead MoreCauses Of Drug Addiction836 Words   |  4 PagesDrug addiction continues to be a major social problem in any country. Despite all efforts of trying to control the manufacturing and trading of these illicit substances, drug traders still somehow find a way to continuously distribute these drugs around and destroy thousands of lives through various clandestine laboratories that have sprouted from different parts of the world. More than seeing the amount of money being spent on something as unnecessary as taking illegal substances is how it hasRead MoreHeroin Addiction Is The Highest Rate It Has Been Since 2002997 Words   |  4 PagesUnited States today, heroin overdosage is the highest rate it has been since 2002 (â€Å"Overdose Death Rates†). Heroin is a drug that can be sold off of any person will to take the risk of selling the drug. Former addicts will tell you that heroin is cheaper on the street that any other drug. You can involve yourself with heroin in many different ways. This attracts people to obtain the drug for those reasons. Heroin addiction can happen to the most successful people as demonstrated in the story of Kurt Cobain’s

Monday, December 16, 2019

A hero that I most admire by Zanis Free Essays

Despite all these hardships, my mom still managed to get an education, start a family and accomplish something that would change the course of my life, forever. She worked and worked and worked, and, eventually, she saved up enough money to fly me over to Ireland to have a better childhood and lifestyle than she had, I admire that woman because she went above and beyond to make sure that her child would receive a better education, a better life and a secure future where we don’t have to worry about where our next meal is owing from. Secondly, I admire her because of her strength. We will write a custom essay sample on A hero that I most admire by Zanis or any similar topic only for you Order Now She’s been through hell and back, and, amazingly, she’s still here, standing tall. About eight years ago, my mom and dad were divorced. When I heard the news, I was so little, I broke down and cried. My father was my world, my everything, and to know that I could lose him at any given moment scared the life out of me. Just the other day, I asked my mom why she never cried. She responded, â€Å"Are you kidding me†, I would cry all the time. I would cry when you kids were off at school. I would even cry myself to sleep sometimes. I Just wouldn’t cry In front of you kids or your step-father, because I knew that I had to keep a straight face. I had to be the rock that kept the family grounded. She was the rock then, and she’s still the rock now. Lastly, I admire her because she’s as quick as a whip and she’s more Independent than anyone I know. She’s a clever one I tell you. It seems Like whenever anyone In my family comes down with an Illness, she has the cure. If you are living under my mom’s roof there’s absolutely no deed for missing days off school because of some Illness. Just give her fifteen minutes to mix up a homemade remedy and you’re cured. On top of that, my mom Is also very clever. If the check engine light lights up, my mom can take care of It. When the time to file taxes comes around, she’s got It. A lot of people look up to celebrates Like Kim Sardinian or Jeremy Line. Now don’t get me wrong, those celebrates are great and all. But, I don’t admire them the same way that I admire my mom. She’s an Incredible human being whoso hardworking, strong, clever and Independent. I admire her courage and her resilience. She Inspires me and my slings to be better people and to give life own very best shot. A hero that I most admire by Azans By Pakistani sometimes. I Just wouldn’t cry in front of you kids or your step-father, because I knew as quick as a whip and she’s more independent than anyone I know. She’s a clever one I tell you. It seems like whenever anyone in my family comes down with an illness, she has the cure. If you are living under my mom’s roof there’s absolutely no need for missing days off school because of some illness. Just give her fifteen minutes to mix up a homemade remedy and you’re cured. On top of that, my mom is also very clever. If the check engine light lights up, my mom can take care of it. When the time to file taxes comes around, she’s got it. A lot of people look up to celebrities like Kim Sardinian or Jeremy Line. Now don’t get me wrong, those celebrities are incredible human being who’s hardworking, strong, clever and independent. I admire her courage and her resilience. She inspires me and my siblings to be better people How to cite A hero that I most admire by Zanis, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Citizenship Behaviour and Voluntary

Question: Describe about the Organisational Behaviour for Citizenship Behaviour and Voluntary. Answer: Statement of the thesis It can be observed that the chief executives of New Zealand have been facing a challenging economic atmosphere. In addition, this article also highlights the changing of markets and technologies of New Zealand. Introduction This study is helpful to understand the concept of organisational behaviour. In this context, this study has tried to highlight and review The critical challenges facing New Zealands chief executives: implications for management skills article. This study has tried to identify the reliable thesis statement. Moreover, this study is also beneficial to identify the strengths and weakness of the article, which is based upon the statement of the recognised thesis. In this purpose, it can be stated that the researchers have accumulated primary data for review the article (Benjamin 2012). Therefore, the information was accumulated from different chief executives and the number was 265. On the other hand, it can be observed that three sectors have been considered such as private sector, private sector and the not for profit segment. Strength As per the statement of Blomme and Bornebroek-Te Lintelo (2012), it can be observed that the strength of the article is that it can recognise the difficulties of the amphibolic market, which affects the economy of the New Zealand. In addition, the GDP of that economy is not able to reach to the optimum level (Kazemipour and Mohd Amin 2012). In this connection, this article has tried to discuss the procedure with which the economy will be improved and flourished. In addition, the big push is required to attain the probable pace, which is seemed to be helpful to move forward. On the other hand, Braccini and Federici (2013) added that after the Global Financial Crisis, most of the economies have tried to develop and tried to return to the previous position. From the article, it is come to know that the mentioned country is also struggling with the smaller economy. Moreover, other strength of this article is that it is capable to make classification based on the three mentioned segments. According to Emami et al. (2012), other strength of the article is that it is able to identify the size of the economy of New Zealand, which is much lower compare to the other developed economy. In this respect, it can be mentioned that an organisation can develop if the targeted consumer domain is larger (Fuchs and Edwards 2012). Weakness On the other hand, the weakness of this article can be identified as this article is able to collect information from the 265 organisations only from three major segments. In this purpose, it can be mentioned that at least 765 organisations can operate in these segments from which the information can be accumulated. In addition, Gold et al. (2013) opined that New Zealand requires to identify a definite market research. Therefore, the overall market requires to divide based on the services as well as on the products. This approach would reflect the result of this study to be highly industry centric. However, Gray (2013) argued that the weakness of the article is that this article is not capable to solve the problems in order to identify the larger markets (Wong, Wong and Ngo 2012). With the help of the globalisation, technology can reflect the positive force, which can develop the organisations within the country. Moreover, the organisation could recognise the market edge with the ris e in the market size of the organisations. In this context, Kazemipour and Mohd Amin (2012) cited that the volume of export could effectively address the larger market. Viewpoint From the point of the personal view, this article has tried to aim to the lack of the economic policies, which are required to apply in order to get out from the stagnating condition. This is favourable for the organisations to operate their program appropriately. Economic policies are helpful to estimate the several factors such as targeted customers, management factors, and business techniques (Teh and Sun 2012). It can be stated that the collected information is not sufficient to construct an appropriate economic policies. The reasoning capacity can lead to develop an economy using the economic policies. Therefore, Mahembe and Engelbrecht (2014) mentioned that this is necessary to identify the market position of an economy. Another personal view can be identified with the help of the market segmentation, which is based upon the goods and services (Mahembe and Engelbrecht 2014). These goods and services are helpful to recognise and address the opportunities of each of the organisation. This would in turn reduce the total research cost. Therefore, it can be mentioned that these opportunities could effectively influence the economy to make its position better. In addition, Okurame (2012) opined that rise in the quantity of exports could effectively enhance the GDP growth of a country, which will in turn improve the countrys economy. In this perspective, it can be mentioned that this article did not highlight this point and therefore, this article did not discuss the how the countrys weakness would convert into the strength (Teh and Sun 2012). On the other hand, it can be mentioned that this article could focus and discuss the role of the government, which would reflect to achieve the market position. The governmental intervention could boost the organisations not to decline. In this connection, Wong, Wong and Ngo (2012) added that the government of the country can aim to the fiscal and monetary policy, which is helpful to survive in the competitive and globalised market. In this purpose, the management segment also reflects the governmental policies. Would the thesis statement of the article be agreed or do not agree? It is necessary to agree that the organisations of New Zealand can challenge the technological revolution. In this connection, the chief executives of the organisations are able to deal these issues and therefore, the writers aim to the thousand of chief executives. 265 of them responded, among them 135 executives were from the private sectors, 68 executives were from the non for profitability segment and 62 were from the public segment (Benjamin 2012). The industries from which the executives were belonging such as the banking sector and the financial sectors, dairy and agricultural sectors, retail, social service sectors, health and media sectors. On the other hand, it can be stated that the thesis making approach is appreciable. The reason is that the survey was divided into two categories such as quantitative approach and the qualitative approach (Blomme and Bornebroek-Te Lintelo 2012). Furthermore, market uncertainty organisational plays a major role in most of the companies. The managers operations need social and political skills to maintain a good relationship with its stakeholders. Key points of the statements This article has highlighted three different ways for the executives to operate efficiently in the market. According to Braccini and Federici (2013), these three approaches are such as manage to the uncertainty, manage to the stakeholders and manage the resources. On the other hand, the human resource specialists can also develop the segments. They can also reduce the gaps among the internal boundaries and the external boundaries (Fuchs and Edwards 2012). Due to the lower rate of participation of the HR specialists, the vicious circle of production is also very lower. As per the authors, it can be observed that the functions of the private sectors are different from the performance of the public sector and not for profitability segment. In this purpose, Gray (2013) mentioned that private segment aimed to move towards the profit oriented segmentation. On the other hand, the qualitative approach includes the rapid changes of the consumer valuation. This would in turn help to the operation of the private segment. This is also beneficial to make an organisation profitable and earn higher profitability. In the words of Kazemipour and Mohd Amin (2012), the function of the public segment and the not for profit segment have followed equivalent activities and the major reason is for the market risk is the economic climatic change. As per the statement of chief executives of not for profit organisation, government of that country has not helped as per their requirements. Due to the lower revenue and poor cost structure, the workers of the organisations are not willing to work (Mahembe and Engelbrecht 2014). Furthermore, this article highlights those governmental interventions in New Zealand is helpful to make a positive economic environment for the organisations in order to survive in the competition in the globalised market. Conclusion This article has aimed to identify the critical challenges, which are helpful to the chief executives of New Zealand. This country requires the big push to come out from the stagnating condition as most of the business of the domestic organisations have been facing. The research was developed based on the primary information. This information is assumed to be relevant. On the other hand, this study also focused to identify the shortcomings as well as the weakness of the article. In addition, New Zealand would have greater utility, which is not mentioned in this article. On the contrary, this article has also tried to find out the strengths, which is important for the organisations of New Zealand. References Benjamin, A., 2012. Human resource development climate as a predictor of citizenship behaviour and voluntary turnover intentions in the banking sector.International Business Research,5(1), p.110. Blomme, R.J. and Bornebroek-Te Lintelo, K., 2012. Existentialism and organizational behaviour: How existentialism can contribute to complexity theory and sense-making.Journal of Organizational Change Management,25(3), pp.405-421. Braccini, A.M. and Federici, T., 2013. A measurement model for investigating digital natives and their organisational behaviour. Emami, M., Alizadeh, Z., Nazari, K. and Darvishi, S., 2012. Antecedents and consequences of organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB).Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business,3(9). Fuchs, S. and Edwards, M.R., 2012. Predicting proà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ change behaviour: the role of perceived organisational justice and organisational identification.Human Resource Management Journal,22(1), pp.39-59. Gold, J., Holden, R., Iles, P., Stewart, J. and Beardwell, J. eds., 2013.Human resource development: Theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Gray, R.H., 2013. Business ethics and organisational change.Leadership Organization Development Journal. Kazemipour, F. and Mohd Amin, S., 2012. The impact of workplace spirituality dimensions on organisational citizenship behaviour among nurses with the mediating effect of affective organisational commitment.Journal of nursing management,20(8), pp.1039-1048. Mahembe, B. and Engelbrecht, A.S., 2014. The relationship between servant leadership, organisational citizenship behaviour and team effectiveness.SA Journal of Industrial Psychology,40(1), pp.01-10. Okurame, D., 2012. Impact of career growth prospects and formal mentoring on organisational citizenship behaviour.Leadership Organization Development Journal,33(1), pp.66-85. Teh, P.L. and Sun, H., 2012. Knowledge sharing, job attitudes and organisational citizenship behaviour.Industrial Management Data Systems,112(1), pp.64-82. Wong, Y.T., Wong, C.S. and Ngo, H.Y., 2012. The effects of trust in organisation and perceived organisational support on organisational citizenship behaviour: a test of three competing models.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,23(2), pp.278-293.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

International Trade as a Significant Issue in International Political Economy

Introduction There are a number of economic issues which have to be evaluated by different scientists and philosophers in order to identify how it is possible to improve living conditions as well as introduce the most effective steps in the chosen field.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on International Trade as a Significant Issue in International Political Economy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The idea of international relations is widely spread nowadays and provides the representatives of various countries with the possibilities to define their skills and promote services through the whole world. International trade is one of the main components under which international relations may be based. There are many writers who share their knowledge and ideas about the development of international relations, and each author achieves good results in the chosen activities. In this paper, two different books will be analyzed in order to define weak and strong sides of international politics of trade and comprehend what may influence the trade process in different countries. The Politics of International Economic Relations is the book by Joan E. Spero and Jeffrey A. Hart about the peculiarities of the politics in current world economy. With the help of this book, it is possible to understand how globalization promotes international relations and how developing nations may achieve the desirable success. Another book chosen for evaluation is written by Syed J. Maswood. International Political Economy and Globalization is the source of information about different trade issues and financial stability that is crucially important for different nations. International trade is the way of how nations have to exchange different services, goods, and products. In order to select the right and, what is more important, effective way, it is necessary to have appropriate theoretical background and access to cu rrent changes and existed demands. International trade is a complex issue in political economy that requires certain attention and evaluation: there are many historical events which influence the development of this industry like World War II and Great Depression, however, the appropriate promotion of the WTO and the GATT has a number of positive aspects which are properly discussed by Maswood, Spero, and Hart. International Political Economy as a Discipline to Analyze the Relations between Countries International political economy, also known as IPE, appeared not long time ago. During the 1970s, there was a need of investigations among the existed economic foundations in order to comprehend the reasons of world oil crisis in 1973 and breakdown of one of the most popular monetary order known as the Bretton Woods system according to which monetary relations with different nations could be developed.Advertising Looking for term paper on international relations? Let's see if we ca n help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, the Bretton Woods system was not perfect and could not cope with a number of problems which challenged the vast majority of European countries (Spero and Hart 15), this is why businessmen as well as philosophers and researchers found it very important to promote the discipline the purpose of which would be the evaluation of current economic conditions and identification of political, legal, and even philosophical factors. The relations between countries may be properly developed only in case all members are aware of special standards and ready to meet the demands and perform the functions set. Maswood calls international trade as the â€Å"source of dynamism and development† (21) that is characterized by a number of benefits and alternatives. The presence of alternatives makes this exchange of goods dependent on various outside factors like globalization, political conditions, and legal implementations . In case one country undergoes some challenges and problems in the above-mentioned spheres, international trade could not be supported any more until appropriate solutions are found. And the discipline called international political economy aims at studying international relations taking into consideration such aspects of political economy like buying and selling in terms of law, government, custom, and so on. Maswood’s achievements as well as Spero and Hart cooperation contributes considerably the field of international economic relations One of the most successful attempts to evaluate international economic relations is made by Spero and Hart. Within a short period of time, international political economy has become a prominent field within the frames of which problems connected to a dollar or other currencies and challenges with international trade are discussed. Economic growth based on technological innovations promotes fast development of international trade. Trade pol icy is the question evaluated by domestic politics constantly, this is why it usually â€Å"determined prosperity or adversity† and considered to be the â€Å"subject of frequent and often highly charged domestic political conflict† (Spero and Hart 72). To find the most effective way to solve the conflicts, professionals offer a number of rules and regulations which have to be imposed on international traded and decrease the level of controversies appeared day by day. The process of international trade lies into the fact that goods are transported across several boundaries and have to be bartered. One of the most successful examples of international trade line is the Silk Road that is supported by the European and Asian representatives. Information offered in the other source by Maswood helps to comprehend how international trade has been developed through times and which improvements have been implemented. In fact, international trade has been regulated by bilateral t reaties between the nations which were going to exchange the goods or services.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on International Trade as a Significant Issue in International Political Economy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Due to some uncertainties or inabilities inherent to mercantilists, the vast majority of nations restricted the development of international trade or set too high tariffs. â€Å"Mercantilists viewed international trade as a zero-sum activity and, consequently, emphasized the importance of trade controls to benefit the national economy† (Maswood 21). Fortunately, at the beginning of the 19th century, the representatives of British government made a decision to support the idea of international trade and, as a result, the agricultural Britain turned out to be the industrial country with a variety of opportunities. This growth in the sphere of manufacturing promoted many new possibili ties which lead to the fact that â€Å"consumption of manufactured goods had high income elasticity† (Maswood 23). In other words, the ideas offered by the authors under consideration have a number of common ideas as well as differences which supplement each other: if Spero and Hart focus on past achievements and factors which predetermine the current situation in international trade, Maswood, in his turn, evaluates the achievements of modern political economy in different countries. The key country of Spero and Hart is the United States of America with their rich history and achievements, and Maswood writes more about Great Britain and its primary steps on the field of international trade. Current Changes on Political Arena That Influence International Relations and International Trade Political, economic, and social factors define the way of how different countries may promote the idea of international trade as a significant part of business. Still, there were many historic al events which deprived tradesmen of the opportunities to develop relations and create appropriate conditions for their activities. The World War II provided the United States of America with a chance to ask its allies commitments for freeing of international trade that served as a basis for â€Å"a postwar international commercial order† (Spero and Hart 73). This is why nowadays, the Unites States of America is the country with properly developed trade system and clearly defined partners. This sphere of business helps to meet the needs of citizens as well as share services and goods with other countries. The USA took a significant leadership role with such countries like Japan, France, Russia, and some more European countries.Advertising Looking for term paper on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In spite of the fact that nowadays European countries and Japan demonstrated successful achievements in international trade and the results of American trade system decrease considerably, Americans still perform the functions of the leaders and do not find it necessary to lose their positions. Due to the US firms which dominate in the computing industry (Spero and Hart 111), American tradesmen are able to evaluate various spheres of life and define the demands of citizens in regard to their interests. Maswood’s book helps to identify the most crucial steps in the development of international trade and attempts of different countries to dictate their own conditions and rules. Various improvements have been observed in the first half of the 20th century: Italy increased tariffs for the representatives from France and the United States of America in the middle of 1930; Canada wanted to take as much as possible from its American neighbours in 1930; and Australia did not different iate countries but increased general tariffs at the beginning of the 1930 (Maswood 26). The results of such changes made some countries reject some partnerships, and some countries got a chance to earn a lot. In 2005, it was stated that the value of world merchandise trade was about $1,2 trillion. These achievements are rather promising, this is why the vast majority of restrictions in the past are justified by the author. World Trade Organization as an Attempt to Liberalize International Trade For each country, it was crucially important to establish the rules and standards which could be optimal for all members of international trade, still, numerous attempts were not as successful as they expected to be. Maswood defines a World Trade Organization as â€Å"an important step toward minimizing the de-liberalization of international trade† (43). The ideas offered by Spero and Hart are similar to those offered by Maswood, still, these authors admit that such international organ ization should help to supervise trade between the participating countries. In fact, the role of World Trade Organization is huge indeed; after it replaced the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, also known as the GATT, in 1995, the conditions under which countries had to exchange services and goods improved considerably. On the one hand, this organization is responsible for negotiations and formulations of trade agreements between different countries taking into consideration the demands and requirements of all sides on new bases. On the other hand, in both books, it is admitted that the conditions of WTO agreements and work focus on derive from past agreements offered by UR (Uruguay Round) and the GATT. This is why in order to comprehend how the WTO may work and what conditions are considered, it is better to evaluate past achievements in the chosen sphere, evaluate each organization separately, and compare the WTO with them. Spero and Hart identify three organizations as â₠¬Å"cornerstones of international economic governance† (2). They are the World Bank that was created to facilitate the process of recovery after the war, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that clearly defined the functions of international trade and tradesmen, and the GATT that aimed at establishing the principles for multilateral traffic negotiations. In comparison to Maswood who define the last organization the most favourable and effective means to promote international trade, Spero and Hart seem to be more passionate with the World Bank and the possibilities offered. Actually, the World Bank supported only developing countries so that they could have leveraged loans and use them for capital programs. The main purpose of the World Bank was always to reduce the level of poverty and help all countries achieve the same success. However, the existed inequality is one of the key promoters of trade: those who do not have something have to do something in order to earn and reac h the desirable goal. And those countries that are rich in some particular production can sale good and services and increase incomes. In its turn, the International Monetary Fund set the purpose to stabilize international exchange rates and encourage liberalising economic policies by means of enforcement. So, it may be observed that all trade organizations had the same purpose – to improve the conditions of international trade; still, the methods differed considerably, this is why it was obligatory to implement one system that could meet the needs of both developed and developing counties because of personal desire. In the books under analysis, the authors underline how successful and well-timed the World Trade Organization was at the first day of 1995. International trade would be incomplete without the conditions offered by the World Trade Organization. The point is that the WTO does not predict possible outcomes of the activities; but what the organization decides to do i s to formulate a number of principles in accordance with which trading countries have to work. One of the most effective principles is the idea of non-discrimination. It means that each country has the right to develop the relations with other countries on the same basics. There is no need to identify one country that deserves special attention and tariffs, and another country due to its low financial position should undergo different trading conditions. This is why all WTO members have the same rights, possibilities to be improved and developed. The same attitude is observed with the services and goods which are sold. Import production should be treated the same way domestic products are treated: all technical and security standards should be met in accordance with the requirements mentioned in the agreement. Globalization as a Significant Factor in International Trade The issue of globalization is considered to be an important aspect to take care of. For example, it is stated that globalization is the main reason of why more markets for goods and services have to be open, why multiple distribution should be provided by all businessmen, and why global markets need to be available 24/7 (Spero and Hart 8). Of course, technological progress supports the process of globalization, still, it is not always possible for all people to get used to the new improvements and innovations. The vast majority of developing countries admit that globalization is the process that creates a number of disadvantages: the examples are numerous labour mobility challenges and investment capital that is repatriated by workers. In spite of the fact that governments try to assist the workers to adapt to a globalizing economy by means of retraining or special education, this support is always enough for the required professional level. Another aspect of globalization in countries which are not adapted for innovations is constantly increasing losses: people have to pay more money to get an idea on how to overcome globalization and comprehend the demands which are set by time and fashion. This is why to meet the conditions introduced by the WTO and be a worthwhile trading member, it is very important to get an appropriate level of knowledge, find financial support, and evaluate the conditions under which trade may be developed. Improvements in the Field of International Trade In the current world, there are many aspects which have to be reformatted and improved considerably, and one of them is international trade. Taking into consideration that there are a number of rules and policies which have to evaluated by all tradesmen, it is very important to formulate them so that each member of international trade is satisfied. Nowadays, there are many methods of how international trade may be organized, this is why it seems to be not that difficult to decide on the steps which should be chosen. First, controversies around the World Trade Organization should be solved. It is said that the WTO that is based on democratic principles offered by the GATT does not introduce itself as a pure democratic organization that tries to meet the interests of all member countries. What is more important, the WTO is now recognized as the instigator of the trade that is managed by corporations. Public interest is not taken into account, however, enough attention is paid to large organizations which have money and want to have more. This is why nowadays, the WTO has more opponents as all those workers and consumers who were waiting for some help and support became upset with the conditions they have to work under. There are many debates on how it is possible to improve the situation and return a true essence of the WTO and its possibilities. The authors of the books under analysis suggest the government to take control over the activities and evaluate the public opinion with the help of which international trade continues developing and improving. It is necessary to reme mber that international trade is based on ordinary people who create production, provide services, and perform the role of contributors. This is why it is wrong to neglect their opinions and demands just in order to earn money and take leading positions in some particular sphere. Conclusion The two books chosen for the analysis in this paper are considered to be interesting and educative sources. With the help of Maswood’s International Political Economy and Globalization, the reader is able to understand how different countries promote international trade and achieve appropriate results in their activities. Attention to the process of globalization makes the reader comprehend how challenging innovations could be for ordinary people as well as for professional tradesmen. Spero and Hart introduce another powerful source called The Politics of International Economic Relations that supplements the ideas offered by the previous writer. International relations are complex, and the re are many objectives which should be considered to understand a true nature of international trade. This is why it seems to be rather effective to evaluate the past of political economy and international trade in particular and define how it is possible to improve the present and future conditions. Works Cited Maswood, Syed, J. International Political Economy and Globalization. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, 2008. Spero, Joan, E. and Hart, Jeffrey, A. The Politics of International Economic Relations. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, 2009. This term paper on International Trade as a Significant Issue in International Political Economy was written and submitted by user Terrance Fleming to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What Are the Health Benefits of Fenugreek

What Are the Health Benefits of Fenugreek SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Fenugreek is truly a multi-purpose herb. People from Western Asia and the Mediterranean have used fenugreek for thousands of years to flavor food, improve health, and soothe skin maladies. In more recent years, fenugreek has gained global popularity as anherbalsupplement with a variety ofhealth benefits. While fenugreek has many promising applications, not all of its uses have yet been backed up by rigorous scientific examination. This guide will tell you which of fenugreek’s health benefits are supportedby evidence, and which ones remain more folklore than fact. Read on to learn what fenugreek is, what it does in the body, and where you can buy fenugreek to try it for yourself. To start, what exactly is this multifunctional herb? What Is Fenugreek? Fenugreek (scientific name Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a plant native to Western Asia and the Mediterranean. It has three green or yellow oblong leaves, which can be consumed fresh or dried. Fenugreek leaves and seeds areimportant for cooking and medicines. Fenugreek seeds, also known as methi seeds, are a common ingredient in Indian curries, as well as Turkish, Persian, Eritrean, Ethiopian, and Egyptian cuisine. Because of their sweet, maple-syrup like smell and flavor, fenugreek seeds are also added to artificial maple syrup, candies, ice cream, beverages, tobacco, soaps, and cosmetics. While people use fenugreek seeds ina wide array of products today, they have also been consuming themfor thousands of years. Archaeologists have discovered cooked fenugreek seeds in Iraq dating back to 4,000 BC! Not only do fenugreek seeds taste good, but they have several health benefits. Let’s take a closer look at the composition of fenugreek or methiseedsto figure out why they work as an effective herbal supplement. Fenugreekseeds are where the medicinal magic happens. What Makes Fenugreek Work? Important Compounds As you’ll read below, the health benefits of fenugreekinvolve the regulation of blood sugar, stimulation of milk flow in new mothers, maintenance of hormones, and treatment of inflammation. Scientists have broken down some of the main compounds in fenugreek seeds to get to the root of the herb's beneficialeffects. These are some of the most important ones: Trigonelline: a betaine molecule also present in coffee and alfalfa that may help prevent and treat diabetes. 4-hydroxyisoleucineand2-oxoglutarate: molecules with aninsulin-stimulating effect. Protodioscin: compound that may have aphrodisiac effects. Diosgenin and Yamogenin: compounds used in the commercial synthesis of progesterone and other steroid products. 3-Hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2(5H)-furanone: compound that causes amaple-syrup scentin body excretions. Now that you’ve started to get a sense of itsmain uses, let’s look closer at what fenugreekdoes and why it works. First, though, a word of caution about herbal supplements. Look before you leap! Some retailers care more about their bottom line than your health. Why You Should Be Cautious AboutHerbal Supplements Herbal remedies can be very effective alternative treatments to prescription medication. At the same time, there’s a big business of retailers that exaggerate health claims to market their products and make money. The best way to evaluate these claims is to take a look at objective, rigorous scientificresearch. Has the supplement been tested in a randomized control trial and been proven to have statistically significant effects? If its benefits are purely anecdotal, then you might not want to waste your time or money, or worst case scenario, risk causing yourself more harm than good. With these guiding principles in mind, we’ve analyzed the scientific evidence behind the top supposed fenugreek benefits. Read on for the best fenugreek uses and the scientific evidence that backs them up. Fenugreek Benefits: Analysis of 4 PopularUses People take fenugreek in a variety of forms as an herbal supplement. Its most common form isa pill or capsule, but it can also be made into a tea or ground up and combined with other ingredients to make a poultice and applied to injured skin. The most commonly claimed fenugreek benefits aremilk production in new mothers, blood sugar levels, testosterone and male libido, and treating inflammation. Let’s look at the top four benefits of fenugreek, along with the research studies backing upthese effects. While these are the top studies currently available, hopefully, scientists will continue to evaluate its effects and gain more insight into what fenugreek does and why it works. Fenugreek can act as a galactagogue. (Keep scrolling to learn what galactagogue means.) Use 1: To Enhance Milk Production in New Mothers Fenugreek is widely used as a galactagogue, or a milk flow-enhancing agent in new mothers. Nursing women take fenugreek in pill form or drink it as a tea after they’ve had a baby. While fenugreek appears to be an effective galactagogue, it can have adverse effects if you take it while pregnant. Most doctors advise that women should only take fenugreek supplements once they’ve had their baby and not before. Let’s take a look at one of the studies backing up fenugreek’s efficacy as a galactagogue. The Evidence: Fenugreek and Milk Production This study examined the effectiveness of fenugreek tea as a galactagogue in new mothers. It divided 66 mother-infant pairs into three groups. One group drank the tea everyday, the second drank a placebo tea, and the third drank no tea and served as the control group. Researchers looked at breast milk volume and infant weight gain over a few days and found significantly higher volume and weight gain among the fenugreek tea-drinking group. From the study, researchers concluded that â€Å"Maternal galactagogue herbal tea supplementation seems to be useful for enhancing breast milk production and facilitating infant birth weight regain in early postnatal days.† If you’re interested in trying fenugreek as a milk-enhancing agent, how should you take it? How to Take Fenugreek to Stimulate Milk Production First and foremost, new mothers should consult their doctorsbefore adding fenugreek as an herbal supplement to their diet. Since it can have significant effects, everyone should make sure that they don’t have any pre-existing conditions that could interact adversely with fenugreek. If you decide to take fenugreek, you could take it as fenugreek tabletsor drink it as a fenugreek tea. A typical dosage is two to three capsules (580 to 610 mg each) taken by mouth three times a day. Drinking it as a tea is a more mild amount. You might drink between one and three cups a day as a hot tea, iced tea, or mixed with apple juice. Again, in most cases, pregnant women should not take a fenugreek supplement. You can read more about some of fenugreek’s potential side effects below. Once it enters your bloodstream, fenugreek goes head to head with the gummy bear brigadein the Battle of Blood Sugar. Use 2: To Maintain Blood Sugar Levels Fenugreek seeds arecommonly used as a supplement to control blood glucose, especially to prevent or treat diabetes. It appears to alleviate problems around the metabolism of blood sugar. Let’s take a look at some of the evidence behind this use of fenugreek. The Evidence: Fenugreek and Blood Sugar Several studies have looked at fenugreek and found that it hada significant effect on blood glucose levels. This first study gave a fenugreek supplement in both capsule and cooked form (on biscuits) to 60 non-insulin-dependent male diabetics. Ultimately, the study found that â€Å"2 grams of a powdered mixture of traditional medicinal plants in either raw or cooked form can be successfully used for lowering blood glucose in diabetics.† A second study also gave fenugreek to diabetic subjects in the form of food, this time incorporating it into bread. Like in the first study, researchers found that â€Å"acceptable baked products can be prepared with added fenugreek, which will reduce insulin resistance and treat type 2 diabetes." Alleviating problems of blood sugar metabolism is a common use of fenugreek, and people with diabetes may consider adding it to their diets in capsule or food form. How to Take Fenugreek to Control Blood Glucose The most common ways to take fenugreek to control blood sugar levels are in capsule form, ground up and added to food, or made into a tea. The recommended dosage falls between 2.5 and 15 grams a day. The amount you take varies depending on your weight, any other medications you take, and other factors. Fenugreek seeds alone haven'tbeen shown to treat diabetes, and it may have adverse interactions with certain diabetes medications. To figure out dosage and account for any variables, you should talk to your doctor before adding fenugreek to your healthcare routine. Ooh la la. Wine and roses have got nothing on fenugreek when it comes to getting in the mood. Use 3: To Boost Libido One of fenugreek’s ancient uses is to enhance libido. Mediterranean and Western Asian cultures have incorporated the herb into their diets for thousands of years to enhance sexual desire. Recent studies have suggested that fenugreek may increase libido in both men and women. The Evidence: Fenugreek and Sexual Desire Let’s take a look at one study involving males and another involving females. This 2011 study tested the effect of fenugreek extract on male libido, which it defined as sexual drive, urge, or desire. It recruited 60 men between the ages of 25 and 52 and gave them either 600 mg of fenugreek twice a day or placebo capsules. The physiological results were self-reported by participants, meaning that the results have some room for subjective bias. Overall, the group taking fenugreek supplements reported a 28% increase in libido while those taking the placebo reported a decrease overall. Scientists concluded that fenugreek can have â€Å"a significant positive effect on physiological aspects of libido† and that the herb â€Å"may assist to maintain normal healthy testosterone levels.† This 2015 study gathered 80 female participants between the ages of 20 and 49 with a self-reported low sex drive. They took fenugreek extract or a placebo for eight weeksand reported their experiences using the â€Å"Derogatis Interview for Sexual Functioning† and â€Å"Female Sexual Function Index† questionnaires. Ultimately, researchers concluded that â€Å"T foenum-graecum [fenugreek] seed extract is a well-tolerated and an effective botanical medicine for use in the support of sexual function for pre-menopausal women, in particular increasing sexual desire and arousal, with positive effects in concentration of E2 [estradiol] and free testosterone.† Thestudies suggest that fenugreek supplements may increase libido in both men and women. How to Take Fenugreek to Boost Libido Fenugreek can be taken as a capsule or brewed into a tea, or the seeds can be ground up and added to food or bread. A dose of 500 to 600 mg fenugreek capsules per day is recommended to boost libido. As with any herbal supplement, you should check with your doctor to determine the right amount for you. Is your skin red, bumpy, or injured? A fenugreek-based poultice can help. Use 4: To Soothe Skin Inflammation or Injury Fenugreek powder has long been combined with other soothing herbs to make poultices and treat skin inflammation and injury. Recent studies have suggested that fenugreek may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The Evidence: Fenugreek andSkin Inflammation A group of researchers in Saudi Arabia extracted and isolated compounds in fenugreek seeds to determine whether or not they had anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They found that â€Å"water extracts and flavonoids† from fenugreek seed extract did have the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that people have long reported. However, further research is needed on the effects of taking fenugreek on a daily basis. A 2012 study found that fenugreek reduced joint inflammation and arthritis in rats. Research on fenugreek’s anti-inflammatory properties in humans is needed to back up its effectiveness in this area as an herbal supplement. How to Use Fenugreek to Treat Skin Inflammation To soothe injured or inflamed skin, people traditionally grind dried herbs or boil fresh herbs in water and make a paste. You might combine fenugreek seed powder with other skin-soothing herbs, like slippery elm, flaxseed, lobelia, or goldenseal, as well as medicinal charcoal. After combining everything into a paste, you would spread itacross a clean piece of gauze, linen, or cotton and apply it directly to the skin. You would leave the poultice on the skin for anywhere from one to 24 hours, taking it off when the skin feels better. Some people warm the poultice before pressing it to the skin. Along with thefour main uses described above - enhancing milk production, controling blood glucose, boosting libido, and treating skin inflammation -people claim a number of otherfenugreek health benefits. Let’s take a look at other potential positive effects of taking fenugreek. People have been consuming fenugreek seeds for thousands of years. Other Potential Health Benefits of Fenugreek People have been consuming fenugreek for thousands of years, and many believe that it has a wide range of physical benefits. These are a few additional anecdotal fenugreek seeds benefits: Balance cholesterol Soothe upset stomach and digestive problems Reduce menstrual cramps Reduce appetite Reduce fat mass Maintain liver and kidney health Soothe muscle pain Reduce fever Can fenugreek seeds really accomplish all this? At this point, there’s little scientific evidence behind these alleged benefits, so much more research is needed to assess the efficacy of this herbal supplement. If you’re not experiencing serious injury or fever that would be better treated with prescription medication, then it may be worth trying fenugreek capsules or seeds to see if they work for you. As with any other new drug, you should consult with your doctor to make sure that you don’t take any medicines or have any other conditions that could interact poorly with fenugreek. Fenugreek does have some potential adverse side effects, and it’s important to be aware of them before incorporating the supplement into your routine. Before you introduce fenugreek to your diet, you should talk to a medical practitioner about possible side effects and interactions. Fenugreek Side Effects: 6 Potential Problems While it’s common to think of herbal remedies as harmless, that’s not necessarily the case. Fenugreek can potentially have adverse effects in the body, and it’s important to be aware of them so that your healthcare plan doesn’t do more harm than good. The following are the six main potential fenugreek side effects. Side Effect 1. Induce Childbirth For the most part, pregnant women are advised not to take fenugreek. Because it contains oxytocin, fenugreek couldact as a uterine stimulant, meaning itcould cause contractions and preterm labor. Some people have used fenugreek to induce labor, but you shouldn’t try this without speaking to a medical practitioner first. You should also be aware that studies have shownthat a large dose of fenugreek caused birth defects in rats and developmental problems in mice. The other side effect of taking fenugreek while pregnant is that it can give a false alarm of Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD). MSUD is an inherited genetic disorder so named because it causes a maple syrup-like smell in body excretions. Fenugreek won’t cause this often fatal disorder, but it can cause a serious scare and unnecessary emergency testing when the baby is born. Side Effect2. Diarrhea Fenugreek may cause stomach irritation and diarrhea. This can be especially dangerous if the nursing infant gets sick, as she could get dehydrated. Be careful if you take a blood thinner, as fenugreek could cause excessive bleeding. Side Effect 3. Bleeding Fenugreek contains a chemical compound called coumarin that can act as a blood thinner. While researchers don’t know yet if the normal dosage of fenugreek has a significant effect on the blood, they warn people on blood-thinning or anti-coagulant medications to be careful and consult their doctors before taking fenugreek supplements. Side Effect 4. Hypoglycemia If you’re taking both medicine for diabetes and fenugreek supplements, you should measureyour blood sugar levels so they don’t become too low and cause hypoglycemia. Since fenugreek can lower blood glucose levels, you don’t want to take too many medications and cause your levels to dip too low. Similarly, you should be cautious if you’re already prone to low blood sugar. Consult with your doctor about the right amount, and carefully monitor the effects that fenugreek supplements have on your blood sugar levels. Side Effect 5. Allergic Reactions Whenever you’re introducing a new supplement into your diet, you should be aware of any possible allergic reactions. Fenugreek is in the same family as chickpeas, green peas, soybeans, and peanuts, so you should be especially mindful about your body’s reaction if you have allergies to any of these foods. An allergy to one doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have an allergy to another, but you should proceed with caution if you've never consumed fenugreek before. Check with your doctor, and try just a small dosage of fenugreek at first. Stop taking it if you experience a rash, hives, swelling, or trouble breathing. This last side effect isn't dangerous, but it may cause unpredictable cravings for Belgian waffles. Side Effect 6. â€Å"Maple Syrup† Sweat or Urine This last side effect doesn’t cause any harm, apart from the false alarm about MSUD in infants described above. Fenugreek has a strong, sweet odor, and eating the seeds might pass that maple syrup-like smell into your sweat and urine or the sweat and urine of a nursing baby. If you start to notice this maple syrup-like odor, then you’ll know the cause! If you’d like to try taking fenugreek for any of the above-described health benefits, where can you find it? Where to Buy Fenugreek Fenugreek is a common herbal supplementthat you can buy in many healthcare or grocery stores or online. Walgreens, Walmart, and CVS, for instance, sell fenugreek in capsule and tea form, and Whole Foods sells the capsules, tea, and seeds (look for methi seeds). You can also find methi seeds and powder in many smaller Indian and Middle Eastern grocery stories. Finally, you can shop online and buy capsules, tea, and seeds from Amazon or a number of other online retailers that pop up via Google Shopping. Some good brands include Nature's Way, Solaray, Oregon's Wild Harvest, Alvita, Yogi Tea, and Nature's Answer. Teas and capsules cost somewhere between $5 and$10.You can also take powdered fenugreek seeds, or fenugreek extract in a liquid tincture. Read on for suggested dosages for how to take fenugreek in capsule, tea, powder, or tincture form. Fenugreek is most commonly taken in capsule form. How to Take Fenugreek As you read above, you can take fenugreek in capsule form, brew it into a tea, or add the powdered seeds to food. Fenugreek is also available in a liquid tincture form, so you could add a few drops to juice or water. Here's how much fenugreek to take in each form. Capsule:500 to 600 mg, three times a day. Tea:two to three cups a day. You can make hot or iced tea or combine it with juice. Powder:five to 30 grams of de-fatted seed powder up to three times a day. It's best to consume fenugreek powder before or as part of a meal. Tincture: three to four mL three times a day. One drop is similar to a 500-600 mg capsule. Your dosage depends on a number of factors, including weight, age, and health status. Your doctor or an herbalist can help you determine the right individualized dosage. Taking Fenugreek as an Herbal Supplement: Best Uses Fenugreek, anherb native to the Mediterranean and the Middle East, has a number of health benefits. While scientific research remains limited at this point, there's some substantial evidence that points to fenugreek's effectiveness in enhancing milk production, regulating blood glucose levels, boosting libido, and acting as an anti-inflammatory agent on irritated skin. While people have claimed for a long time that fenugreek has a number of other positive effectsas well, as this point many of its purported benefits remain anecdotal.Without the weight of a controlled study, you should be skeptical of anyone claiming fenugreek is a miracle drug. You should also be cautious about fenugreek'spotential side effects, and make sure to speak with a medical practitioner before introducing itas an herbal supplement into your diet. If you do find that fenugreek has beneficial effects on your health, then you may be glad to hear that fenugreek or methi seeds in various forms arewidely accessible and affordableat a variety of grocery and healthcare stores, both of the online and brick-and-mortar variety. If fenugreek turns out tobe the herbal supplement you've been looking for, thenyou can joinan ancient practice of fenugreek consumption that dates back almost 6,000 years.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Chapels and Chaplains

Chapels and Chaplains Chapels and Chaplains Chapels and Chaplains By Maeve Maddox Because I think of chapel as word with distinctly Christian connotations, I was startled to hear a radio spot announcement for a â€Å"Jewish Funeral Chapel.† Naturally I headed straight for the OED. Chapel has an interesting history and several meanings, including one that can mean â€Å"any place set aside for private worship or meditation.† Chapel derives from Latin cappella, â€Å"little cloak† and took on its religious significance from a saint’s relic: the cloak of Saint Martin of Tours (316-397). Born in Hungary, Martin was conscripted into the Roman army and deployed to Gaul (now France), On his way to Amiens on a cold day, Martin came upon an nearly naked beggar. Impulsively, he whipped off his military cloak, sliced it in two with his sword, and gave half to the beggar. From a big cloak, it had become a little cloak. Martin went on to become Bishop of Tours and a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. The Merovingian kings of FranceClovis, Dagobert, Pepin and that lotpreserved what they believed to be Saint Martin’s capella. They kept it in a reliquary in a royal oratory near Tours. It was considered to be so holy that oaths were sworn on it. Sometimes it was carried into battle by the king. On those occasions, small temporary structures were built to house it; people took to calling these shelters capella, because of the little cloak that lay within. The priest who travelled with the army to look after the relic was called a cappellanu. Eventually, any priest who traveled with the military to attend to their spiritual needs was called by that name, which has evolved into the English word chaplain. A chapel can refer to a free-standing structure or a room in a house, embassy, college, school, prison, funeral home, or any other institution. It can be a place of worship for any religious group. In the 18th century, chapel referred to the meeting houses of sectarians outside the established church, such as Roman Catholics and Methodists. In Silas Marner by George Eliot, the title character belongs to a chapel in an industrial city. Chapel can also mean a religious service. For example, â€Å"All students are required to attend chapel in the auditorium on Thursdays.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Redundant Phrases to AvoidIn Search of a 4-Dot EllipsisContinue and "Continue on"

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hypothesis and Conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hypothesis and Conclusion - Essay Example The antiterrorism measures taken by security agencies following the September 11 attacks, discourages the citizens from volunteering relevant security information to security agencies (Hardin, 2003). This hypothesis will enable me define the scope of my investigation and method of conducting investigations through interviews. Although conducting interviews is an expensive research methodology, it the most appropriate in qualitative studies. This is because the method enables a researchers to answer several questions such as why certain occurrences or phenomenon occurs the way they do (Silverman, 2009). Interviews are conducted on a one-to-one basis and, this stand out as the main limitation of this research method. To utilize this method a researcher requires a set of questions and a means of recording information obtained from a respondent. Information or response of a respondent can be recorded through note taking, personal memory or using audio recording devices such as audio tapes. Questioners are the most important tool in research or investigations using interviews (Palgrave, 2011). Questionnaires have either open-ended questions or closed questions and the choice of question depends on the expected response. The first step towards achieving a successful investigation through interviews is identifying a sample. This is important since it is difficult or impossible to conduct an investigation using the entire population. The second step involves designing of questionnaires that involves setting a set of question that the researcher considers appropriate. The question should be tested before a researcher goes to the field in order to ensure that they are sensitive to the society. A pilot study is then conducted to establish the expectation of the actual study. Pilot studies also enable the researchers to refine the questionnaire and estimate budgetary requirements (Palgrave, 2011). A pilot study

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

E marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E marketing - Assignment Example eting is used for sending email messages in order to the relationship of a merchant both with its previous and current customers in order to repeat business and encourage customer loyalty. E-marketing can also be used to send email messages in order to convince current customers or acquire new customers to purchase products or services of the business immediately. A merchant may also use email messages to add advertisements that are sent to their customers by other companies. This paper seeks to discuss the concept of e-marketing (Doyle and Stern, 2006). E-Marketing harmonizes the overall strategy of marketing perfectly, and provides advertising campaign with proven results that are measurable, which can take the company’s current marketing campaign to a higher level. For example, where e-marketing involves product promotion, query responses, event invitations, and newsletters, an all in one solution is provided by emails (Doyle and Stern, 2006). E-Marketing provides an easily customized and efficient form of marketing to advertising organizations and other businesses that complements their current strategies of advertisement and close in on the interactive and profitable market. In addition, e-marketing is beneficial to such organizations and other businesses because it allows them to target particular group of recipients and reach out to an engaged and defined audience. E-marketing also penetrates and overcomes any geographical parameters that may be a constraint to the other methods of communication. Efficiency is high in e-marketing. This is because the messages can be sent and distributed to many recipients by just one click. E-marketing is also cost effective and requires minimal investment in order to have an appropriate system set up to function. In addition, e-marketing is fast and the commercial messages are delivered to the inboxes of the recipients straight away and instantly (Tapp, 2005). E-marketing can be regarded as a form of e-commerce since

Saturday, November 16, 2019

We Have No Class (Middle Class) Essay Example for Free

We Have No Class (Middle Class) Essay In Paul Krugman’s Confronting Inequality, we are told, as citizens of the United States, the damages of high and rising inequality within our country. Krugman describes America as a place of unclear economic progress for the middle class while the share of economic growth in the past 3 decades has gone to the wealthy 1%. Krugman next describes the impact such inequality has on our society and republic. First starting with social inequality, he states â€Å"The fact is the vast income inequality inevitably brings vast social inequality inevitably brings vast social inequality in its train† (589). What Krugman is trying to convey is that as the gap between classes grows, it brings with it greater and greater inequality. Within this social system, the author tells us of how desirable school districts are decreasing in number and are becoming much more expensive to live in, making it so that children with low-income parents get a â€Å"bad start† in their education. Krugman also states that corrupt politics are a direct result of the difference between the 1% and rest of the country. Using that point as fuel he argues for the removal of tax cuts for the wealthy. Krugman shows us that the Urban-Brookings Joint Tax Policy Center estimated that if Bush tax breaks expired in 2010 for those who have an income of over $200,000 then the money gained from taxes could fund a universal healthcare system for the entire nation. Krugman’s main solution was to generally close obvious loopholes within the American system. The next problem, Market Inequality, is also brought to inquisition. Krugman says that a raise in minimum wage as well as a steady union movement would assist the wage inequality. Finally, Krugman discusses how accessible these changes are and how rapidly they can happen. He feels as though the changes can be easily reached, but not likely. Richard Wilkinson, a social researcher, discussed in his 2011 â€Å"TED talk† the correlation seen between social issues and the distance in between economic classes. A logical connection can be made to Krugman’s paper on the same topic; however beyond the obvious similarity of a s imilar topic, they seem to agree that America is in sore shape. With Wilkinson’s emphasis on a lack of social mobility he asks if the most important thing for a child is their father’s income. â€Å"Do rich fathers have rich sons and poor fathers have poor sons, or is there no relationship between the two?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ghosts in a Massachusetts Village :: Ghosts Spirits Hauntings Essays

Ghosts in a Massachusetts Village Sabine Heartwood passed through Moose River Junction years ago with her mother, an itinerant fortuneteller. Raised on the road as Ruby crisscrossed the country in her battered VW minibus, Sabine longed to settle down and was inexplicably drawn to this rural hamlet, where everyone knows everyone. Now that one of the town’s favorite sons has returned for his grandmother Beatrice’s funeral, at least there’s something to talk about. Danforth Smith is an up-and-coming assistant film director in New York, romantically linked with a bitchy, beautiful, ambitious actress. Shy Sabine is instantly attracted to him but she knows she can’t compete with the likes of Karen. And handsome Dan would never want to give up such a glamorous life to stay in Moose River Junction and care for his aging, mentally retarded uncle Nagy, per his mother Beatrice’s wish. Even though Beatrice, imperious and theatrical to a fault, insisted in her will that Nagy never be instit utionalized and instead be permitted to take tickets and sweep up at the Palace Theatre (her dead husband’s pet project and final legacy). Sabine intuitively senses Dan’s dark secret, but not its exact details. Yet Dan, given to solitary brooding, reveals all to the reader in interior monologues: he holds himself responsible for the accidental fire that killed his feuding parents when he was only six. He and Nagy were playing with a lighter, and his grandmother Beatrice always told Dan that the fire was his fault, not Nagy’s. Hmm†¦so that’s why Sabine seems to smell smoke in his presence but she doesn’t understand why. Gee, where does this strange knack for reading minds come from? The supposedly psychic young woman can’t figure it out, but mother Ruby is waiting in the wings with a grim secret of her own: Sabine is the child of an alcoholic gypsy, who raped Ruby when she was only fifteen. Ghosts in a Massachusetts Village :: Ghosts Spirits Hauntings Essays Ghosts in a Massachusetts Village Sabine Heartwood passed through Moose River Junction years ago with her mother, an itinerant fortuneteller. Raised on the road as Ruby crisscrossed the country in her battered VW minibus, Sabine longed to settle down and was inexplicably drawn to this rural hamlet, where everyone knows everyone. Now that one of the town’s favorite sons has returned for his grandmother Beatrice’s funeral, at least there’s something to talk about. Danforth Smith is an up-and-coming assistant film director in New York, romantically linked with a bitchy, beautiful, ambitious actress. Shy Sabine is instantly attracted to him but she knows she can’t compete with the likes of Karen. And handsome Dan would never want to give up such a glamorous life to stay in Moose River Junction and care for his aging, mentally retarded uncle Nagy, per his mother Beatrice’s wish. Even though Beatrice, imperious and theatrical to a fault, insisted in her will that Nagy never be instit utionalized and instead be permitted to take tickets and sweep up at the Palace Theatre (her dead husband’s pet project and final legacy). Sabine intuitively senses Dan’s dark secret, but not its exact details. Yet Dan, given to solitary brooding, reveals all to the reader in interior monologues: he holds himself responsible for the accidental fire that killed his feuding parents when he was only six. He and Nagy were playing with a lighter, and his grandmother Beatrice always told Dan that the fire was his fault, not Nagy’s. Hmm†¦so that’s why Sabine seems to smell smoke in his presence but she doesn’t understand why. Gee, where does this strange knack for reading minds come from? The supposedly psychic young woman can’t figure it out, but mother Ruby is waiting in the wings with a grim secret of her own: Sabine is the child of an alcoholic gypsy, who raped Ruby when she was only fifteen.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 9. Sure As Hell Didn’t See That One Coming

9. Sure As Hell Didn't See That One Coming I didn't really plan to say goodbye to my father. After all, one quick call to Sam and the game would be up. They'd cut me off and push me back. Probably try to make me angry, or even hurt me – somehow force me to phase so that Sam could lay down a new law. But Billy was expecting me, knowing I'd be in some kind of state. He was in the yard, just sitting there in his wheelchair with his eyes right on the spot where I came through the trees. I saw him judge my direction – headed straight past the house to my homemade garage. â€Å"Got a minute, Jake?† I skidded to a stop. I looked at him and then toward the garage. â€Å"C'mon kid. At least help me inside.† I gritted my teeth but decided that he'd be more likely to cause trouble with Sam if I didn't lie to him for a few minutes. â€Å"Since when do you need help, old man?† He laughed his rumbling laugh. â€Å"My arms are tired. I pushed myself all the way here from Sue's.† â€Å"It's downhill. You coasted the whole way.† I rolled his chair up the little ramp I'd made for him and into the living room. â€Å"Caught me. Think I got up to about thirty miles per hour. It was great.† â€Å"You're gonna wreck that chair, you know. And then you'll be dragging yourself around by your elbows.† â€Å"Not a chance. It'll be your job to carry me.† â€Å"You won't be going many places.† Billy put his hands on the wheels and steered himself to the fridge. â€Å"Any food left?† â€Å"You got me. Paul was here all day, though, so probably not.† Billy sighed. â€Å"Have to start hiding the groceries if we're gonna avoid starvation.† â€Å"Tell Rachel to go stay at his place.† Billy's joking tone vanished, and his eyes got soft. â€Å"We've only had her home a few weeks. First time she's been here in a long time. It's hard – the girls were older than you when your mom passed. They have more trouble being in this house.† â€Å"I know.† Rebecca hadn't been home once since she got married, though she did have a good excuse. Plane tickets from Hawaii were pretty pricey. Washington State was close enough that Rachel didn't have the same defense. She'd taken classes straight through the summer semesters, working double shifts over the holidays at some cafe on campus. If it hadn't been for Paul, she probably would have taken off again real quick. Maybe that was why Billy wouldn't kick him out. â€Å"Well, I'm going to go work on some stuff___†I started for the back door. â€Å"Wait up, Jake. Aren't you going to tell me what happened? Do I have to call Sam for an update?† I stood with my back to him, hiding my face. â€Å"Nothing happened. Sam's giving them a bye. Guess we're all just a bunch of leech lovers now.† â€Å"Jake†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"I don't want to talk about it.† â€Å"Are you leaving, son?† The room was quiet for a long time while I decided how to say it. â€Å"Rachel can have her room back. I know she hates that air mattress.† â€Å"She'd rather sleep on the floor than lose you. So would I.† I snorted. â€Å"Jacob, please. If you need†¦ a break. Well, take it. But not so long again. Come back.† â€Å"Maybe. Maybe my gig will be weddings. Make a cameo at Sam's, then Rachel's. Jared and Kim might come first, though. Probably ought to have a suit or something.† â€Å"Jake, look at me.† I turned around slowly. â€Å"What?† He stared into my eyes for a long minute. â€Å"Where are you going?† â€Å"I don't really have a specific place in mind.† He cocked his head to the side, and his eyes narrowed. â€Å"Don't you?† We stared each other down. The seconds ticked by. â€Å"Jacob,† he said. His voice was strained. â€Å"Jacob, don't. It's not worth it.† â€Å"I don't know what you're talking about.† â€Å"Leave Bella and the Cullens be. Sam is right.† I stared at him for a second, and then I crossed the room in two long strides, i grabbed the phone and disconnected the cable from the box and the jack. I wadded the gray cord up in the palm of my hand. â€Å"Bye, Dad.† â€Å"Jake, wait – ,'7he called after me, but I was out the door, running. The motorcycle wasn't as fast as running, but it was more discreet. I wondered how long it would take Billy to wheel himself down to the store and then get someone on the phone who could get a message to Sam. I'd bet Sam was still in his wolf form. The problem would be if Paul came back to our place anytime soon. He could phase in a second and let Sam know what I was doing†¦. I wasn't going to worry about it. I would go as fast as I could, and if they caught me, I'd deal with that when I had to. I kicked the bike to life and then I was racing down the muddy lane. I didn't look behind me as I passed the house. The highway was busy with tourist traffic; I wove in and out of the cars, earning a bunch of honks and a few fingers. I took the turn onto the 101 at seventy, not bothering to look. I had to ride the line for a minute to avoid getting smeared by a minivan. Not that it would have killed me, but it would have slowed me down. Broken bones – the big ones, at least – took days to heal completely, as I had good cause to know. The freeway cleared up a little, and I pushed the bike to eighty. I didn't touch the brake until I was close to the narrow drive; I figured I was in the clear then. Sam wouldn't come this far to stop me. It was too late. It wasn't until that moment – when I was sure that I'd made it – that I started to think about what exactly I was going to do now. I slowed down to twenty, taking the twists through the trees more carefully than I needed to. I knew they would hear me coming, bike or no bike, so surprise was out. There was no way to disguise my intentions. Edward would hear my plan as soon as I was close enough. Maybe he already could. But I thought this would still work out, because I had his ego on my side. He'd want to fight me alone. So I'd just walk in, see Sam's precious evidence for myself, and then challenge Edward to a duel. I snorted. The parasite'd probably get a kick out of the theatrics of it. When I finished with him, I'd take as many of the rest of them as I could before they got me. Huh – I wondered if Sam would consider my death provocation. Probably say I got what I deserved. Wouldn't want to offend his bloodsucker BFFs. The drive opened up into the meadow, and the smell hit me like a rotten tomato to the face. Ugh. Reeking vampires. My stomach started churning. The stench would be hard to take this way – undiluted by the scent of humans as it had been the other time I'd come here – though not as bad as smelling it through my wolf nose. I wasn't sure what to expect, but there was no sign of life around the big white crypt. Of course they knew I was here. I cut the engine and listened to the quiet. Now I could hear tense, angry murmurs from just the other side of the wide double doors. Someone was home. I heard my name and I smiled, happy to think I was causing them a little stress. I took one big gulp of air – it would only be worse inside – and leaped up the porch stairs in one bound. The door opened before my fist touched it, and the doctor stood in the frame, his eyes grave. â€Å"Hello, Jacob,† he said, calmer than I would have expected. â€Å"How are you?† I took a deep breath through my mouth. The reek pouring through the door was overpowering. I was disappointed that it was Carlisle who answered. I'd rather Edward had come through the door, fangs out. Carlisle was so†¦ just human or something. Maybe it was the house calls he made last spring when I got busted up. But it made me uncomfortable to look into his face and know that I was planning to kill him if I could. â€Å"I heard Bella made it back alive,† I said. â€Å"Er, Jacob, it's not really the best time.† The doctor seemed uncomfortable, too, but not in the way I expected. â€Å"Could we do this later?† I stared at him, dumbfounded. Was he asking to post-pone the death match for a more convenient time? And then I heard Bella's voice, cracked and rough, and I couldn't think about anything else. â€Å"Why not?† she asked someone. â€Å"Are we keeping secrets from Jacob, too? What's the point?† Her voice was not what I was expecting. I tried to remember the voices of the young vampires we'd fought in the spring, but all I'd registered was snarling. Maybe those newborns hadn't had the piercing, ringing sound of the older ones, either. Maybe all new vampires sounded hoarse. â€Å"Come in, please, Jacob,† Bella croaked more loudly. Carlisle's eyes tightened. I wondered if Bella was thirsty. My eyes narrowed, too. â€Å"Excuse me,† I said to the doctor as I stepped around him. It was hard – it went against all my instincts to turn my back to one of them. Not impossible, though. If there was such a thing as a safe vampire, it was the strangely gentle leader. I would stay away from Carlisle when the fight started. There were enough of them to kill without includinghim. I sidestepped into the house, keeping my back to the wall. My eyes swept the room – it was unfamiliar. The last time I'd been in here it had been all done up for a party. Everything was bright and pale now. Including the six vampires standing in a group by the white sofa. They were all here, all together, but that was not what froze me where I stood and had my jaw dropping to thefloor. Itwas Edward. It was the expression on his face. I'd seen him angry, and I'd seen him arrogant, and onceI'd seen him in pain. But this – this was beyond agony. His eyes were half-crazed. He didn't look up to glare at me. He stared down at the couch beside him with an expression like someone had lit him on fire. His hands were rigid claws at his side. I couldn't even enjoy his anguish. I could only think of one thing that would make him look like that, and my eyes followed his. I saw her at the same moment that I caught her scent. Her warm, clean, human scent. Bella was half-hidden behind the arm of the sofa, curled up in a loose fetal position, her arms wrapped around her knees. For a long second I could see nothing except that she was still the Bella that I loved, her skin still a soft, pale peach, her eyes still the same chocolate brown. My heart thudded a strange, broken meter, and I wondered if this was just some lying dream that I was about to wake up from. Then I really saw her. There were deep circles under her eyes, dark circles that jumped out because her face was all haggard. Was she thinner? Her skin seemed tight – like her cheekbones might break right through it. Most of her dark hair was pulled away from her face into a messy knot, but a few strands stuck limply to her forehead and neck, to the sheen of sweat that covered her skin. There was something about her fingers and wrists that looked so fragile it was scary. She was sick. Very sick. Not a lie. The story Charlie'd told Billy was not a story. While I stared, eyes bugging, her skin turned light green. The blond bloodsucker – the showy one, Rosalie – bent over her, cutting into my view, hovering in a strange, protective way. This was wrong. I knew how Bella felt about almost everything – her thoughts were so obvious; sometimes it was like they were printed on her forehead. So she didn't have to tell me every detail of a situation for me to get it. I knew that Bella didn't like Rosalie. I'd seen it in the set of her lips when she talked about her. Not just that she didn't like her. She was afraid of Rosalie. Or she had been. There was no fear as Bella glanced up at her now. Her expression was†¦ apologetic or something. Then Rosalie snatched a basin from the floor and held it under Bella's chin just in time for Bella to throw up noisily into it. Edward fell to his knees by Bella's side – his eyes all tortured-looking – and Rosalie held out her hand, warning him to keep back. None of it made sense. When she could raise her head, Bella smiled weakly at me, sort of embarrassed. â€Å"Sorry about that,† she whispered to me. Edward moaned real quiet. His head slumped against Bella's knees. She put one of her hands against his cheek. Like she was comforting him. I didn't realize my legs had carried me forward until Rosalie hissed at me, suddenly appearing between me and the couch. She was like a person on a TV screen. I didn't care she was there. She didn't seem real. â€Å"Rose, don't,† Bella whispered. â€Å"It's fine.† Blondie moved out of my way, though I could tell she hated to do it. Scowling at me, she crouched by Bella's head, tensed to spring. She was easier to ignore than I ever would have dreamed. â€Å"Bella, what's wrong?† I whispered. Without thinking about it, I found myself on my knees, too, leaning over the back of the couch across from her†¦ husband. He didn't seem to notice me, and I barely glanced at him. I reached out for her free hand, taking it in both of mine. Her skin was icy. â€Å"Are you all right?† It was a stupid question. She didn't answer it. â€Å"I'm so glad you came to see me today, Jacob,† she said. Even though I knew Edward couldn't hear her thoughts, he seemed to hear some meaning I didn't. He moaned again, into the blanket that covered her, and she stroked his cheek. â€Å"What is it, Bella?† I insisted, wrapping my hands tight around her cold, fragile fingers. Instead of answering, she glanced around the room like she was searching for something, both a plea and a warning in her look. Six pairs of anxious yellow eyes stared back at her. Finally, she turned to Rosalie. â€Å"Help me up, Rose?† she asked. Rosalie's lips pulled back over her teeth, and she glared up at me like she wanted to rip my throat out. I was sure that was exactly the case. â€Å"Please, Rose.† The blonde made a face, but leaned over her again, next to Edward, who didn't move an inch. She put her arm carefully behind Bella's shoulders. â€Å"No,† I whispered. â€Å"Don't get up___† She looked so weak. â€Å"I'm answering your question,† she snapped, sounding a little bit more like the way she usually talked to me. Rosalie pulled Bella off the couch. Edward stayed where he was, sagging forward till his face was buried in the cushions. The blanket fell to the ground at Bella's feet. Bella:s body was swollen, her torso ballooning out in a strange, sick way. It strained against the faded gray sweatshirt that was way too big for her shoulders and arms. The rest of her seemed thinner, like the big bulge had grown out of what it had sucked from her. It took me a second to realize what the deformed part was – I didn't understand until she folded her hands tenderly around her bloated stomach, one above and one below. Like she was cradling it. I saw it then, but I still couldn't believe it. I'd seen her just a month ago. There was no way she could be pregnant. Not that pregnant. Except that she was. I didn't want to see this, didn't want to think about this. I didn't want to imagine him inside her. I didn't want to know that something I hated so much had taken root in the body I loved. My stomach heaved, and I had to swallow back vomit. But it was worse than that, so much worse. Her distorted body, the bones jabbing against the skin of her face. I could only guess that she looked like this – so pregnant, so sick – because whatever was inside her was taking her life to feed its own†¦. Because it was a monster. Just like its father. I always knew he would kill her. His head snapped up as he heard the words inside mine. One second we were both on our knees, and then he was on his feet, towering over me. His eyes were flat black, the circles under them dark purple. â€Å"Outside, Jacob,† he snarled. I was on my feet, too. Looking down on him now. This was why I was here. â€Å"Let's do this,† I agreed. The big one, Emmett, pushed forward on Edward's other side, with the hungry-looking one, Jasper, right behind him. I really didn't care. Maybe my pack would clean up the scraps when they finished me off. Maybe not. It didn't matter. For the tiniest part of a second my eyes touched on the two standing in the back. Esme. Alice. Small and distractingly feminine. Well, I was sure the others would kill me before I had to do anything about them. I didn't want to kill girls†¦ even vampire girls. Though I might make an exception for that blonde. â€Å"No,† Bella gasped, and she stumbled forward, out of balance, to clutch at Edward's arm. Rosalie moved with her, like there was a chain locking them to each other. â€Å"I just need to talk to him, Bella,† Edward said in a low voice, talking only to her. He reached up to touch her face, to stroke it. This made the room turn red, made me see fire – that, after all he'd done to her, he was still allowed to touch her that way. â€Å"Don't strain yourself,† he went on, pleading. â€Å"Please rest. We'll both be back in just a few minutes.† She stared at his face, reading it carefully. Then she nodded and drooped toward the couch. Rosalie helped lower her back onto the cushions. Bella stared at me, trying to hold my eyes. â€Å"Behave,† she insisted. â€Å"And then come back.† I didn't answer. I wasn't making any promises today. I looked away and then followed Edward out the front door. A random, disjointed voice in my head noted that separating him from the coven hadn't been so difficult, had it? He kept walking, never checking to see if I was about to spring at his unprotected back. I supposed he didn't need to check. He would know when I decided to attack. Which meant I'd have to make that decision very quickly. Tm not ready for you to kill me yet, Jacob Black,† he whispered as he paced quickly away from the house. â€Å"You'll have to have a little patience.† Like I cared about his schedule. I growled under my breath. â€Å"Patience isn't my specialty.† He kept walking, maybe a couple hundred yards down the drive away from the house, with me right on his heels. I was all hot, my fingers trembling. On the edge, ready and waiting. He stopped without warning and pivoted to face me. His expression froze me again. For a second I was just a kid – a kid who had lived all of his life in the same tiny town. Just a child. Because I knew I would have to live a lot more, suffer a lot more, to ever understand the searing agony in Edward's eyes. He raised a hand as if to wipe sweat from his forehead, but his fingers scraped against his face like they were going to rip his granite skin right off. His black eyes burned in their sockets, out of focus, or seeing things that weren't there. His mouth opened like he was going to scream, but nothing came out. This was the face a man would have if he were burning at the stake. For a moment I couldn't speak. It was too real, this face – I'd seen a shadow of it in the house, seen it in her eyes and his, but this made it final. The last nail in her coffin. â€Å"It's killing her, right? She's dying.† And I knew when I said it that my face was a watered-down echo of his. Weaker, different, because I was still in shock. I hadn't wrapped my head around it yet – it was happening too fast. He'd had time to get to this point. And it was different because I'd already lost her so many times, so many ways, in my head. And different because she was never really mine to lose. And different because this wasn't my fault. â€Å"My fault,† Edward whispered, and his knees gave out. He crumpled in front of me, vulnerable, the easiest target you could imagine. But I felt cold as snow – there was no fire in me. â€Å"Yes,† he groaned into the dirt, like he was confessing to the ground. â€Å"Yes, it's killing her.† His broken helplessness irritated me. I wanted a fight, not an execution. Where was his smug superiority now? â€Å"So why hasn't Carlisle done anything?† I growled. â€Å"He's a doctor, right? Get it out of her.† He looked up then and answered me in a tired voice. Like he was explaining this to a kindergartener for the tenth time. â€Å"She won't let us.† It took a minute for the words to sink in. Jeez, she was running true to form. Of course, die for the monster spawn. It was so Bella. â€Å"You know her well,† he whispered. â€Å"How quickly you see†¦. I didn't see. Not in time. She wouldn't talk to me on the way home, not really. I thought she was frightened – that would be natural. I thought she was angry with me for putting her through this, for endangering her life. Again. I never imagined what she was really thinking, what she was resolving. Not until my family met us at the airport and she ran right into Rosalie's arms. Rosalie's! And then I heard what Rosalie was thinking. I didn't understand until I heard that. Yet you understand after one second. . . .† He half-sighed, half-groaned. â€Å"Just back up a second. She won't let you.† The sarcasm was acid on my tongue. â€Å"Did you ever notice that she's exactly as strong as a normal hundred-and-ten-pound human girl? How stupid are you vamps? Hold her down and knock her out with drugs.† â€Å"I wanted to,† he whispered. â€Å"Carlisle would have___† What, too noble were they? â€Å"No. Not noble. Her bodyguard complicated things.† Oh. His story hadn't made much sense before, but it fit together now. So that's what Blondie was up to. What was in it for her, though? Did the beauty queen want Bella to die so bad? â€Å"Maybe,† he said. â€Å"Rosalie doesn't look at it quite that way.† â€Å"So take the blonde out first. Your kind can be put back together, right? Turn her into a jigsaw and take care of Bella.† â€Å"Emmett and Esme are backing her up. Emmett would never let us†¦ and Carlisle won't help me with Esme against it___† He trailed off, his voice disappearing. â€Å"You should have left Bella with me.† â€Å"Yes.† It was a bit late for that, though. Maybe he should have thought about all this before he knocked her up with the life-sucking monster. He stared up at me from inside his own personal hell, and I could see that he agreed with me. â€Å"We didn't know,† he said, the words as quiet as a breath. â€Å"I never dreamed. There's never been anything like Bella and I before. How could we know that a human was able conceive a child with one of us – â€Å" â€Å"When the human should get ripped to shreds in the process?† â€Å"Yes,† he agreed in a tense whisper. â€Å"They're out there, the sadistic ones, the incubus, the succubus. They exist. But the seduction is merely a prelude to the feast. No one survives† He shook his head like the idea revolted him. Like he was any different. â€Å"I didn't realize they had a special name for what you are,† I spit. He stared up at me with a face that looked a thousand years old. â€Å"Even you, Jacob Black, cannot hate me as much as I hate myself.'7 Wrong,I thought, too enraged to speak. â€Å"Killing me now doesn't save her,† he said quietly. â€Å"So what does?† â€Å"Jacob, you have to do something for me.† â€Å"The hell I do, parasite!† He kept staring at me with those half-tired, half-crazy eyes. â€Å"For her?† I clenched my teeth together hard. â€Å"I did everything I could to keep her away from you. Every single thing. It's too late.† â€Å"You know her, Jacob. You connect to her on a level that I don't even understand. You are part of her, and she is part of you. She won't listen to me, because she thinks I'm underestimating her. She thinks she's strong enough for this___† He choked and then swallowed. â€Å"She might listen to you.† â€Å"Why would she?† He lurched to his feet, his eyes burning brighter than before, wilder. I wondered if he was really going crazy. Could vampires lose their minds? â€Å"Maybe,† he answered my thought. â€Å"I don't know. It feels like it.† He shook his head. â€Å"I have to try to hide this in front of her, because stress makes her more ill. She can't keep anything down as it is. I have to be composed; I can't make it harder. But that doesn't matter now. She has to listen to you!† â€Å"I can't tell her anything you haven't. What do you want me to do? Tell her she's stupid? She probably already knows that. Tell her she's going to die? I bet she knows that, too.† â€Å"You can offer her what she wants.† He wasn't making any sense. Part of the crazy? â€Å"I don't care about anything but keeping her alive,† he said, suddenly focused now. â€Å"If it's a child she wants, she can have it. She can have half a dozen babies. Anything she wants.† He paused for one beat. â€Å"She can have puppies, if that's what it takes.† He met my stare for a moment and his face was frenzied under the thin layer of control. My hard scowl crumbled as I processed his words, and I felt my mouth pop open in shock. â€Å"But not this way!† he hissed before I could recover. â€Å"Not this thing that's sucking the life from her while I stand there helpless! Watching her sicken and waste away. Seeing it hurting her.† He sucked in a fast breath like someone had punched him in the gut. â€Å"You have to make her see reason, Jacob. She won't listen to me anymore. Rosalie's always there, feeding her insanity – encouraging her. Protecting her. No, protecting it Bella's life means nothing to her.† The noise coming from my throat sounded like I was choking. What was he saying? That Bella should, what? Have a baby? With me? What? How? Was he giving her up? Or did he think she wouldn't mind being shared? â€Å"Whichever. Whatever keeps her alive.† â€Å"That'sthe craziest thing you've said yet,† I mumbled. â€Å"She loves you.† â€Å"Not enough.† â€Å"She's ready to die to have a child. Maybe she'd accept something less extreme.† â€Å"Don't you know her at all?† â€Å"I know, I know.It's going to take a lot of convincing. That's why I need you. You know how she thinks. Make hersee sense.† I couldn't think about what he was suggesting. It was too much. Impossible. Wrong. Sick. Borrowing Bella for the weekends and then returning her Monday morning like a rental movie? So messed up. So tempting. I didn't want to consider, didn't want to imagine, but the images came anyway. I'd fantasized about Bella that way too many times, back when there was still a possibility of us, and then long after it was clear that the fantasies would only leave festering sores because there was no possibility, none at all. I hadn't been able to help myself then. I couldn't stop myself now. Bella in my arms, Bella sighing my name†¦ Worse still, this new image I'd never had before, one that by all rights shouldn't have existed for me. Not yet. An image I knew I wouldn't've suffered over for years if he hadn't shoved it in my head now. But it stuck there, winding threads through my brain like a weed – poisonous and unkillable. Bella, healthy and glowing, so different than now, but something the same: her body, not distorted, changed in a more natural way. Round with my child. I tried to escape the venomous weed in my mind. â€Å"Make Bella see sense? What universe do you live in?† â€Å"At least try.† I shook my head fast. He waited, ignoring the negative answer because he could hear the conflict in my thoughts. â€Å"Where is this psycho crap coming from? Are you making this up as you go?† â€Å"I've been thinking of nothing but ways to save her since I realized what she was planning to do. What she would die to do. But I didn't know how to contact you. I knew you wouldn't listen if I called. I would have come to find you soon, if you hadn't come today. But it's hard to leave her, even for a few minutes. Her condition†¦ it changes so fast. The thing is†¦ growing. Swiftly. I can't be away from her now.† â€Å"What is it?† â€Å"None of us have any idea. But it is stronger than she is. Already.† I could suddenly see it then – see the swelling monster in my head, breaking her from the inside out. â€Å"Help me stop it,† he whispered. â€Å"Help me stop this from happening.† â€Å"How?By offering my stud services?† He didn't even flinch when I said that, but I did. â€Å"You're really sick. She'll never listen to this.† â€Å"Try. There's nothing to lose now. How will it hurt?† It would hurt me. Hadn't I taken enough rejection from Bella without this? â€Å"A little pain to save her? Is it such a high cost?† â€Å"But it won't work.† â€Å"Maybe not. Maybe it will confuse her, though. Maybe she'll falter in her resolve. One moment of doubt is all I need.† â€Å"And then you pull the rug out from under the offer? ‘Just kidding, Bella'?† â€Å"If she wants a child, that's what she gets. I won't rescind.† I couldn't believe I was even thinking about this. Bella would punch me – not that I cared about that, but it would probably break her hand again. I shouldn't let him talk to me, mess with my head. I should just kill him now. â€Å"Not now,† he whispered. â€Å"Not yet. Right or wrong, it would destroy her, and you know it. No need to be hasty. If she won't listen to you, you'll get your chance. The moment Bella's heart stops beating, I will be begging for you to me.† â€Å"You won't have to beg long.† The hint of a worn smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. â€Å"I'm very much counting on that.† â€Å"Then we have a deal.† He nodded and held out his cold stone hand. Swallowing my disgust, I reached out to take his hand. My fingers closed around the rock, and I shook it once. â€Å"We have a deal,† he agreed.